A great activity for everyone

Team Story

Unleash Your Creativity with This Hilarious Team Storytelling Game!

Team Story
By Jon Zajac

What is Team Story?

The Team Story icebreaker is a fun and engaging activity that involves creating a story as a group, with each player contributing a line. The purpose of this game is to encourage creativity, teamwork, and active listening skills. It’s a great way to get people talking, laughing, and building connections with one another.

At its core, the Team Story icebreaker is all about collaboration. By working together to build a story, players learn to listen actively, build on each other’s ideas, and think creatively on their feet. This makes it an excellent exercise for teams looking to improve their communication and problem-solving skills.

To play, participants form teams of at least six players and line up. The first player in each team starts the story with the phrase “Once upon a time…” and then adds a sentence to continue the narrative. The next player in line must then build on that sentence and continue the story, and so on, until the last player in line concludes the story with a final sentence.

One of the best things about this icebreaker is its versatility. You can customize it to fit almost any theme or topic, from holiday stories to tales of adventure, romance, or mystery. This makes it a great choice for teams with diverse interests and backgrounds. Plus, since there are no materials required (aside from a willingness to have fun), it’s an easy and affordable way to bring people together.

Overall, the Team Story icebreaker is a simple yet effective way to build connections, foster creativity, and improve communication skills in any group setting. So why not give it a try at your next team meeting or social gathering? You never know where your imagination might take you!

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Rules for Team Story

  1. Form teams of at least six players.
  2. Prepare a theme for the story in advance (optional).
  3. Have each team form a single-file line.
  4. The first player in each line starts the story with “Once upon a time…” and completes their sentence.
  5. Each following player must continue the story and make it coherent.
  6. The last player in each line must conclude the story with one sentence.
  7. Encourage teams to create a story, and optionally have judges decide on the best story.
  8. The game should result in humorous and entertaining stories.

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Materials needed for Team Story

  • Great sense of humor: This icebreaker relies on creativity and wit to make the story entertaining and funny.
  • Teams of at least six players: The game works best when there are enough people to create a diverse and dynamic story.
  • Prepared theme (optional): While not required, having a specific topic can help guide the group’s creativity and focus their ideas.

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Setting up for Team Story

To set up for the Team Story icebreaker activity, there are a few key steps to follow:

  1. Form teams: Divide the participants into teams of at least six players each. It’s important to have enough players per team so that everyone has a chance to contribute to the story.
  2. Choose a theme (optional): If you want to add an extra layer of structure to the game, you can choose a theme for the stories. For example, you could require all stories to be about a certain topic, such as travel, space, or superheroes.
  3. Determine the order: Have each team form a line, with the first person in line designated as the starting storyteller. The order of play will continue down the line, with each player adding one sentence to the story before passing it on to the next person.
  4. Establish rules: Make sure all players understand the rules of the game. Each player is only allowed to say one sentence and must continue the story in a way that makes sense. The last person in line must conclude the story in one sentence as well.
  5. Optional judging: If you wish, you can have judges decide which story is the best. This adds an element of competition to the game, but it’s not necessary for everyone to enjoy themselves.

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How to play Team Story

  1. Form teams: As the facilitator, form teams of at least six players. You can prepare a theme in advance if you wish, such as requiring all stories to be about a certain topic like Christmas, food, or relationships. Have everyone form a line.
  2. Explain the rules: Explain to the participants that each team will construct a story and that each person is only allowed to say one sentence and must continue the story. The first player in line begins the story by saying “Once upon a time…” and completes the sentence, while the next person must continue the story and make it coherent. This process continues until it reaches the last person in the team’s line, who must conclude the story in one sentence as well.
  3. Begin the game: Instruct the teams to create their stories. Encourage them to be creative and have fun with it. You can also have judges decide which story is the best, if you wish. This game is a silly icebreaker that usually leads to hilarious stories!

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Benefits of Team Story

  • Builds teamwork and collaboration skills: By working together to create a coherent and funny story, players practice listening, taking turns, and building on each other’s ideas.
  • Encourages creativity and imagination: With no right or wrong answers, the Team Story Game provides a low-stakes environment for players to think outside the box and come up with original ideas.
  • Boosts confidence and public speaking skills: By requiring each player to contribute a sentence to the story in front of their teammates, the game helps build comfort with speaking in front of others and thinking on one’s feet.
  • Fosters a positive group dynamic: The silliness and humor involved in the Team Story Game can help break the ice and create a fun and relaxed atmosphere among players.
  • Provides an engaging and inclusive activity: With no materials required and the option to customize the theme, the Team Story Game is a versatile and accessible game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.

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Skills built with Team Story

  • Teamwork: Players must collaborate effectively to create a coherent and engaging story, building on each other’s ideas while ensuring the narrative flows logically.
  • Creativity: The game encourages players to think outside the box and come up with imaginative and humorous ideas, which fosters their creative thinking skills.
  • Active Listening: In order to add a meaningful contribution to the story, each player needs to actively listen to their teammates’ sentences and understand the context of the narrative.
  • Public Speaking: By requiring players to verbally express their ideas in front of a group, the game helps build confidence and improves public speaking skills.
  • Critical Thinking: Judging and selecting the best story among the teams promotes critical thinking by evaluating each story based on its creativity, coherence, and humor.
  • Self-Regulation: Players must control their impulses to blurt out unrelated or absurd ideas and instead focus on contributing positively to the group’s collaborative effort.
  • Empathy and Understanding: By participating in a shared creative activity, players develop empathy and understanding for their teammates’ perspectives and feelings.
  • Adaptability: The need to adjust one’s sentence to fit the ongoing story encourages flexibility and adaptability in thinking and communication.

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Why I like Team Story

I appreciate the Team Story icebreaker because it encourages creativity and teamwork in a fun and engaging way. I like that it can be easily adapted to different themes and age groups, making it a versatile option for various settings. The game’s structure, which requires each player to add only one sentence to the story, creates a sense of anticipation and excitement as I never know what my teammates will come up with next. This element of surprise keeps me engaged and attentive throughout the game.

Additionally, playing the Team Story icebreaker often results in hilarious and unexpected stories that leave everyone laughing and having a good time. The game’s simplicity also means that it requires no additional materials or setup, making it a convenient choice for impromptu activities or when resources are limited. Overall, I enjoy the Team Story icebreaker as it fosters creativity, collaboration, and humor in a low-pressure and enjoyable setting.

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Tips for making Team Story more inclusive

  • Tip: Use diverse and inclusive language: Encourage players to use language that is respectful and inclusive of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or background. This can help create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.
  • Tip: Allow for flexibility in story themes: While providing a theme for the stories can help provide structure and guidance, it may also limit the creativity and imagination of some players. Consider allowing teams to choose their own themes, or offering a variety of options to choose from.
  • Tip: Use open-ended prompts: Instead of starting each team’s story with “Once upon a time…”, consider using more open-ended prompts that allow for creativity and imagination. For example, you could start the story with “In a world where…”, or “One day, something unexpected happened to…”.
  • Tip: Encourage active listening: Encourage players to actively listen to their teammates as they add to the story. This can help ensure that each sentence flows logically and makes sense within the context of the story.
  • Tip: Allow for different pacing: Some players may naturally speak faster or slower than others, which can affect the pace of the story. Encourage teams to find a rhythm that works for everyone, allowing each player to take the time they need to come up with their sentence.
  • Tip: Celebrate all stories: While it can be fun to have judges choose the “best” story, it’s important to remember that every story is unique and valuable in its own way. Encourage teams to celebrate each other’s stories and appreciate the creativity and imagination that went into them.

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Reflection questions for Team Story

  1. What was your favorite part of your team’s story? Understanding what each participant enjoyed about the story can provide insight into their preferences and interests.
  2. How did you come up with your sentence for the story? This question can help facilitators understand the thought process behind each decision and how players collaborate with one another.
  3. Was there a point when the story took an unexpected turn? How did you adapt to it? This question can reveal how participants react to surprises and how they work together to keep the narrative coherent.
  4. Did you face any challenges while creating your team’s story? If so, how did you overcome them? By identifying challenges, facilitators can adjust game rules or group dynamics for future activities.
  5. What skills or strengths do you think were important in creating a successful story? This question can help participants recognize the value of collaboration, creativity, and clear communication.
  6. If you could change one thing about your team’s story, what would it be and why? Encouraging reflection on improvements can lead to better outcomes in future collaborative activities.
  7. How did working together as a team influence the final story? This question can help participants understand the importance of teamwork and how individual contributions shape group projects.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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