A great activity for everyone

Sentence Starter

Unleash Your Creativity with Sentence Starter: The Ultimate Team-Building Activity!

Sentence Starter
By Jon Zajac

What is Sentence Starter?

The Sentence Starter icebreaker is a versatile and engaging activity that I often utilize in various settings to foster connection, encourage participation, stimulate discussion, and create a comfortable environment for participants. This activity involves crafting responses based on selected sentence starters, which can be tailored to suit specific themes or objectives. By drawing attention to shared experiences and diverse perspectives, the Sentence Starter icebreaker helps establish an inclusive atmosphere that promotes active listening and meaningful conversations.

In my experience, I have found that the Sentence Starter icebreaker effectively breaks down barriers in new groups or settings. Participants eagerly contribute their thoughts, opinions, and stories, forming a foundation for trust and collaboration. This activity also offers an excellent opportunity to introduce relevant topics or goals while allowing participants to reflect on their experiences and aspirations.

When facilitating the Sentence Starter icebreaker, I ensure that the instructions are clear and flexible, accommodating various group sizes and dynamics. With thoughtfully curated sentence starters, this activity can be easily adapted for different contexts, making it a valuable addition to any educator’s or facilitator’s toolkit.

In summary, the Sentence Starter icebreaker is an engaging and adaptable activity that fosters meaningful connections, encourages participation, and stimulates discussions in various settings. Its ability to be customized for diverse themes and objectives makes it a valuable resource for educators and facilitators seeking to create inclusive and collaborative environments.

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Rules for Sentence Starter

  1. Begin by explaining the purpose and instructions for the activity.
  2. Specify how responses should be shared (e.g., speaking to the whole group, discussing within small groups, or pairing off with a partner).
  3. If using physical cards, have participants draw a card from the container. Alternatively, assign or allow participants to pick a sentence starter from a visible list.
  4. Give participants a moment to think about their response to their sentence starter.
  5. Each participant shares their completion of the sentence starter with the group or within smaller discussions as determined by the activity setup.
  6. Depending on the setting and objectives, lead a group discussion based on shared responses.
  7. Conclude with a brief discussion about the experience, pressing on key takeaways, reflections, or segues into the next agenda item, if applicable.

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Materials needed for Sentence Starter

  • Pieces of paper or index cards: These will be used to write down the sentence starters for participants to draw from a container.
  • Writing instruments: Participants will need these to write their responses on the pieces of paper or index cards.
  • A container to mix the sentence starters: This is where you’ll place the sentence starter cards for participants to draw from if you choose not to assign or display them.

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Setting up for Sentence Starter

To set up the Sentence Starter icebreaker activity without discussing materials, follow these steps:

  1. Group Size: Determine the number of participants in your group. If the group is larger than 15 people, consider breaking it into smaller groups for a more effective activity.

  2. Select Sentence Starters: Develop a list of sentence starters relevant to the context or objective of the gathering. Ensure these starters are open-ended to encourage diverse responses. Adapt them based on whether the session is in an educational setting, corporate environment, or other contexts.

  3. Preparation: Decide how you will present the sentence starters to participants. You can read them aloud, display them where all participants can see, or assign/allow participants to pick a sentence starter from a visible list.

  4. Introduction: Plan your introduction for the activity, making sure to explain its purpose and instructions clearly. Specify how responses should be shared (e.g., speaking to the whole group, discussing within small groups, or pairing off with a partner).

  5. Facilitation: Prepare to facilitate discussion based on shared responses during the icebreaker activity. Decide whether you will highlight interesting points, common themes, or diverse perspectives depending on your goals for the session.

  6. Wrap-Up: Plan a brief conclusion that emphasizes key takeaways, reflections, or segues into the next agenda item, if applicable.

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How to play Sentence Starter

### Introduction

1. Begin by explaining the purpose and instructions for the activity. Make sure to specify how responses should be shared (e.g., speaking to the whole group, discussing within small groups, or pairing off with a partner).

Setting Up

2. Select Sentence Starters Develop a list of sentence starters relevant to the context or objective of the gathering. These starters should be open-ended to encourage diverse responses. For educational settings, these could be related to the subject matter. In corporate environments, sentences might pertain to project goals, company values, or team-building aspects.

3. Distribute or Display Decide whether you will hand out physical cards with the sentence starters, read them aloud, or display them where all participants can see.


4. Introduction Start by explaining the purpose and instructions for the activity. Make sure to specify how responses should be shared (e.g., speaking to the whole group, discussing within small groups, or pairing off with a partner).

5. Choosing Sentences - If using physical cards, have participants draw a card from the container. Alternatively, assign or allow participants to pick a sentence starter from a visible list.

6. Sharing Responses - Give participants a moment to think about their response to their sentence starter. - Share responses. Each participant shares their completion of the sentence starter with the group or within smaller discussions as determined by the activity setup.

7. Facilitate Discussion Depending on the setting and objectives, lead a group discussion based on shared responses. Highlight interesting points, common themes, or diverse perspectives, again depending on your goals with the activity.

8. Wrap-Up Conclude with a brief discussion about the experience, pressing on key takeaways, reflections, or segues into the next agenda item, if applicable.

Example Sentence Starters:

  • “One thing I love about my job is…”
  • “The most interesting place I’ve visited is…”
  • “A personal goal I’m working toward is…”
  • “If I could have any superpower, it would be…”
  • “One challenge I’ve recently faced is…”


  • Theme-Based: Tailor the sentence starters to adhere to specific themes, projects, or goals.
  • Silent Responses: Have participants write their responses, collecting them to either display or read aloud anonymously.
  • Follow-Up Questions: After the initial share, encourage asking questions or sharing comments to deepen discussions.
  • Pair and Share: Rather than speaking to the group, participants can pair off, making the activity better suited for introverted participants or smaller settings.


  • Create an inclusive and respectful atmosphere where participants feel safe to share.
  • Be flexible with responses; the goal is to stimulate conversation, not to judge or grade answers.
  • Encourage participation but don’t force it; some might be more comfortable listening, and that should be respected.

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Benefits of Sentence Starter

  • Encourages Active Listening: By requiring participants to share their responses, the Sentence Starter icebreaker promotes active listening skills as individuals engage with each other’s stories and experiences.
  • Promotes Self-Disclosure: This activity encourages participants to open up and share personal information, which can help build trust and foster a sense of camaraderie among group members.
  • Enhances Communication Skills: As participants practice expressing their thoughts and ideas in response to sentence starters, they develop and improve their verbal communication skills.
  • Reveals Shared Interests and Experiences: The Sentence Starter icebreaker can uncover commonalities among group members, providing opportunities for further connection and collaboration.
  • Creates a Positive Atmosphere: Beginning an event or gathering with this activity helps establish a friendly and enjoyable environment, making it easier for participants to feel comfortable and engaged throughout the session.
  • Supports Diversity and Inclusion: The open-ended nature of sentence starters allows for diverse responses that reflect individual backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, encouraging respect and appreciation for differences within the group.
  • Improves Group Dynamics: By allowing participants to become better acquainted with one another, the Sentence Starter icebreaker contributes to improved teamwork, collaboration, and overall group dynamics.
  • Reduces Anxiety and Tension: Providing a structured yet open-ended activity helps ease participants into social interactions, reducing anxiety and tension in new or unfamiliar settings.

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Skills built with Sentence Starter

  • Active Listening: I improve my ability to focus on what others are saying, understand their perspectives, and respond thoughtfully.
  • Interpersonal Communication: I enhance my skills in expressing myself clearly and effectively while also demonstrating empathy and respect for others’ ideas.
  • Open-Mindedness: I practice considering diverse viewpoints and accepting that there can be multiple valid responses to the same prompt, fostering a more inclusive environment.
  • Self-Awareness: I reflect on my own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which helps me better understand myself and my place within a group or community.
  • Emotional Intelligence: I develop my ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions, both my own and those of others, promoting positive relationships and teamwork.
  • Critical Thinking: I engage in reflective reasoning and analysis as I consider various responses, which aids in problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Adaptability: I learn to respond flexibly and creatively to different prompts and situations, preparing me for unexpected challenges or opportunities.
  • Public Speaking: I practice articulating my thoughts and ideas confidently in front of others, which can help improve my performance in various professional and social settings.
  • Networking: I create connections with new people by engaging in meaningful conversations and discovering shared interests or experiences.
  • Confidence: I build self-assurance as I contribute to group discussions, express my opinions, and share personal stories or goals with others.

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Why I like Sentence Starter

I appreciate the Sentence Starter icebreaker activity for its versatility and effectiveness in fostering connections among participants in various settings. Here are a few reasons why I like this icebreaker:

  1. Inclusivity: The open-ended sentence starters allow for diverse responses, ensuring that everyone can participate regardless of their background or personality type. This inclusiveness encourages a sense of belonging and helps create an engaging atmosphere.
  2. Customizability: With the ability to tailor sentence starters to specific themes, topics, or goals, this icebreaker can be easily adapted for different educational, corporate, or social contexts. This flexibility makes it a valuable tool for facilitators looking to create meaningful discussions and connections.
  3. Encouraging Participation: By giving participants a structure to build their responses around, the Sentence Starter icebreaker reduces the pressure of coming up with an entirely original contribution. This support can help less confident or extroverted individuals feel more comfortable participating in group discussions.
  4. Building Connections: The activity encourages shared experiences and storytelling, allowing participants to discover commonalities and appreciate diverse perspectives. These connections are crucial for fostering teamwork, collaboration, and a positive group dynamic.
  5. Versatility Across Group Sizes: Whether used in small groups or large gatherings, the Sentence Starter icebreaker can be adapted to suit various contexts. This versatility makes it an excellent choice for facilitators looking for a reliable and adaptable icebreaker activity.

Overall, I find the Sentence Starter icebreaker to be an invaluable tool due to its inclusiveness, customizability, support of participation, connection-building potential, and versatility across group sizes. These qualities make it an effective and engaging way to initiate discussions and encourage collaboration in various settings.

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Tips for making Sentence Starter more inclusive

  • Create a Safe Space: Before starting the activity, emphasize that all responses should be met with respect and acceptance. Encourage participants to listen attentively and respond supportively.
  • Use Gender-Neutral Language: Ensure your sentence starters are inclusive by using gender-neutral language whenever possible. This helps create an environment where everyone feels acknowledged and included.
  • Avoid Stereotypes: Refrain from using stereotypical or biased phrases in your sentence starters, as this can unintentionally alienate certain participants. Instead, focus on creating open-ended questions that encourage individual expression.
  • Consider Accessibility: If some participants have visual impairments or other disabilities, make accommodations to ensure they can fully engage in the activity. For example, you could provide large-print sentence starter cards or offer audio descriptions of each prompt.
  • Provide Nonverbal Communication Options: Encourage nonverbal communication during the activity by allowing participants to use gestures, facial expressions, or visual aids (e.g., illustrations) to express their thoughts and ideas. This can help create an inclusive environment for those who may struggle with verbal communication.
  • Be Aware of Cultural Differences: Be sensitive to cultural differences among participants and avoid using phrases or concepts that might be unfamiliar or offensive to certain groups. Strive to create a welcoming atmosphere where everyone’s background and experiences are valued.
  • Acknowledge Individuality: Recognize the unique qualities each participant brings to the group by acknowledging individual contributions and differences during the discussion. This helps build a more inclusive environment where all participants feel appreciated and respected.

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Reflection questions for Sentence Starter

  1. What was your experience like completing the sentence starter activity? Understanding participants’ comfort levels with this type of activity can help facilitators tailor future icebreakers to better suit the group’s needs and preferences.
  2. Did you discover anything interesting or surprising about a fellow participant? This question encourages reflection on the connections made during the activity, fostering a sense of community among participants.
  3. How do you feel the sentence starter activity contributed to today’s discussion or objective? Gauging the effectiveness of an icebreaker in achieving desired outcomes can help facilitators make informed decisions when selecting and implementing activities in the future.
  4. Was there a specific response shared by another participant that resonated with you? If so, why? Encouraging participants to identify and reflect on connections they made with others’ responses can lead to deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives within the group.
  5. Do you feel more comfortable participating in discussions after completing the sentence starter activity? Why or why not? Understanding how individual participants perceive their own engagement can help facilitators create a more inclusive environment that encourages active participation from all members.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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