A great activity for everyone


Get Ready for a Hilarious Outdoor Game of Chase and Throw: SPUD!

By Jon Zajac

What is SPUD?

The SPUD game is a classic icebreaker that involves physical activity and coordination, making it a fun and engaging option for medium to large groups of any age. The purpose of the game is to eliminate other players by catching a ball and throwing it at them to tag them, with the goal of being one of the last two players remaining. To play, each player is assigned a number and must run away when their number is called and the ball is thrown into the air, while the person whose number was called attempts to catch the ball and then take two steps toward any frozen player and throw the ball at them. If hit, the targeted player receives a letter in the word “SPUD,” with players being eliminated once the word is spelled out. This game can have various variations based on culture and age group, such as rolling the ball instead of throwing it or incorporating a baseball field and runs. Overall, the SPUD game is a simple yet entertaining icebreaker that can help break the tension and encourage socialization in any group setting.

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Rules for SPUD

  1. Assign a number to each player.
  2. Nominate one person to be the starter.
  3. All other players stand in a large circle facing inwards.
  4. The starter throws the ball up and calls out a number.
  5. Players whose number is not called run away from the ball, the named player tries to catch it.
  6. Everyone must freeze when the ball-catcher yells “SPUD!”.
  7. The ball-catcher takes 2 big steps towards a player and throws the ball at them.
  8. If hit, the targeted player gets a letter in SPUD, if they dodge, the thrower gets a letter.
  9. The person who threw the ball becomes the new starter for the next round.
  10. Players are out when “SPUD” is spelled out.
  11. Keep playing until only 2 players remain.

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Materials needed for SPUD

  • Ball: A ball is needed to play the SPUD game. It should be easy to throw and catch.
  • Open Space: A large open space is required for all players to run around freely without bumping into each other or any obstacles. This could be a park, field, or even a large backyard.

That’s it! The SPUD icebreaker game doesn’t require any other materials and can be played with just a ball and enough space to move around.

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Setting up for SPUD

To set up for the SPUD icebreaker activity, you will need to find a suitable outdoor location with enough space for all players to run around comfortably. Once you have chosen a location, designate an area where players can gather to form a large circle. Make sure there are no obstructions or hazards in the immediate vicinity that could cause injuries during gameplay.

Next, determine the group size and assign a unique number to each participant. This step is crucial for the smooth progression of the game, as it allows players to quickly identify and react when their number is called.

Lastly, select one player to be the starter for the first round. Briefly explain the rules and objectives of the SPUD game to ensure that everyone understands how to participate and avoid potential accidents. Once all players are ready, you can initiate the game by having the starter throw the ball into the air while calling out a random number.

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How to play SPUD

  1. Assign numbers to each player: I assign a unique number to every participant before we start the game. For instance, if there are 10 players, each one will get a number between 1 and 10.
  2. Choose a starter: I select any player as the starter for the initial round.
  3. Position players in a circle: All other players need to stand in a large circle facing towards the center, leaving enough space for movement.
  4. Starter throws the ball and calls out a number: The starting player tosses the ball high into the air while shouting a different player’s number. For example, “Seven.”
  5. Non-called players run away: Upon hearing their number called, all other players except for the one named should scatter and move away from the ball.
  6. Called player catches the ball: The player whose number was shouted must catch the ball while it is still in the air.
  7. Shout “SPUD!” and freeze: Once a player catches the ball, everyone else must immediately stop moving, staying frozen in place until further notice.
  8. Targeting players: After catching the ball, I take two big steps towards any stationary player and throw the ball at them while they try to dodge it.
  9. Avoiding the ball: If hit by the thrown ball, a player receives the letter “S” in SPUD. However, if the targeted player successfully dodges the ball, I get the letter instead.
  10. Continue playing: The game proceeds with the person who got the letter throwing the ball in the next round and calling out a new number.
  11. Elimination: A player is out of the game when “SPUD” is spelled out with their letters. Keep playing till only 2 people remain.

The SPUD icebreaker game has various adaptations worldwide, including versions where small children roll the ball instead of throwing it and adults add more challenging rules for themselves. In some cultures, it is called “Sun” or “STOP.” Another popular variation is the SPUD Base Game, which takes place on a baseball field, requiring players to run bases when their number isn’t called. The objective is to score the most runs rather than avoiding letters.

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Benefits of SPUD

  • Encourages Physical Activity: Playing SPUD involves running, throwing, and catching, making it a great way to get kids moving and having fun while staying active.
  • Improves Coordination: The game requires players to throw and catch the ball accurately, which can help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
  • Fosters Social Interaction: SPUD is an excellent icebreaker that encourages group interaction and communication, as players need to work together in a fun and engaging way.
  • Builds Teamwork Skills: As players work together to avoid being hit by the ball, they learn to collaborate and support each other, which can help build strong teamwork skills.
  • Boosts Confidence: By participating in a group game like SPUD, kids can develop self-confidence as they take on challenges, overcome obstacles, and succeed in the game.
  • Encourages Sportsmanship: Playing SPUD involves following rules, taking turns, and treating others with respect, which can help promote sportsmanship and a positive attitude towards competition.
  • Provides Stress Relief: Running around and playing games is an excellent way for kids to let off steam, have fun, and relieve stress in a healthy and positive way.
  • Develops Focus and Concentration: As players need to pay attention to the ball, their surroundings, and other players’ movements, SPUD can help develop focus and concentration skills.
  • Promotes Inclusivity: SPUD is a game that can be played by people of all ages and abilities, making it an inclusive activity that encourages everyone to participate and have fun together.

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Skills built with SPUD

  • Running: The SPUD game requires players to run away from the ball when their number is called out. This helps build stamina and speed.
  • Throwing: Accurate throwing is essential in this game as players have to throw the ball at the targeted player. This improves hand-eye coordination and arm strength.
  • Agility: Players need to quickly change direction while running and dodging the ball, which helps improve agility and reflexes.
  • Teamwork: Although SPUD is a competitive game, it also encourages teamwork as players need to follow rules and work together to ensure everyone has fun.
  • Listening skills: Paying attention to the number called out and stopping immediately when “SPUD” is shouted are important in this game, which helps improve listening skills.
  • Sportsmanship: Learning to handle both winning and losing gracefully, cheering for others, and following rules are all aspects of sportsmanship that can be developed while playing the SPUD game.

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Why I like SPUD

I enjoy playing the SPUD icebreaker game for several reasons. First, it is an active game that gets everyone moving and engaged, making it a great way to break the ice and encourage interaction among participants. The simplicity of the rules also means that it’s easy for anyone to learn and play, regardless of their age or physical abilities.

Another reason I like SPUD is that it promotes coordination and strategic thinking. Players must pay attention to the numbers being called and react quickly to avoid getting hit with the ball. At the same time, they need to think strategically about which players to target and how to throw the ball to increase their chances of hitting them.

I also appreciate that SPUD is a versatile game that can be adapted to different group sizes and settings. It works well for both small and large groups, and can be played indoors or outdoors as long as there’s enough space to run around. Additionally, the variations of the game, such as rolling the ball for small children or adding more difficult rules for adults and teens, make it suitable for a wide range of ages and skill levels.

Overall, SPUD is a fun and engaging icebreaker that promotes physical activity, coordination, and strategic thinking while encouraging interaction and connection among participants.

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Tips for making SPUD more inclusive

  • Tip: Consider assigning numbers randomly to ensure fairness and avoid potential bias.
  • Tip: Make sure to explain the rules clearly and give examples so that everyone understands how to play.
  • Tip: Encourage players to walk or jog instead of run, to make the game more accessible for those with mobility limitations.
  • Tip: Offer modifications to the throwing and dodging mechanics, such as allowing players to use their arms to block the ball or giving them the option to take a step in any direction before throwing.
  • Tip: Create a designated “safe zone” where players can go if they need a break or feel overwhelmed.
  • Tip: Make sure to emphasize that the goal of the game is to have fun and build connections with others, rather than to win at all costs.
  • Tip: Consider incorporating a non-competitive element to the game, such as a group challenge or a scavenger hunt, to promote collaboration and teamwork.
  • Tip: Be open to feedback and suggestions from participants, and be willing to make adjustments to the game as needed to ensure that everyone feels included and comfortable.

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Reflection questions for SPUD

  1. What did you enjoy most about playing the SPUD game? Understanding what participants enjoyed about the game can help facilitators plan future activities that will be engaging and enjoyable for the group.
  2. How do you think this game helped build connections within the group? This question can help participants reflect on how the game helped them get to know each other better, which is especially important in an icebreaker setting.
  3. Did you find any aspect of the game challenging or difficult? If so, what was it? Identifying challenges can help facilitators modify the game or choose different activities that are more accessible to all participants.
  4. Were there any strategies or techniques that helped you succeed in the game? This question can help participants reflect on their own problem-solving skills and share effective strategies with each other.
  5. How did it feel to be both a thrower and a potential target during different rounds of the game? This question can help participants consider different perspectives and empathize with others’ experiences.
  6. What variations of the game would you like to try in the future? Understanding participants’ preferences for future games can help facilitators plan activities that are engaging, inclusive, and enjoyable for all.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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