A great activity for everyone

Paper Snowball Fight

Unleash Your Inner Child with a Raucous Paper Snowball Fight: No Winter Necessary!

Paper Snowball Fight
By Jon Zajac

What is Paper Snowball Fight?

The Paper Snowball Fight icebreaker is a fun and engaging activity that recreates the experience of a snowball fight, no matter the time of year. The purpose of this game is to encourage teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking while promoting friendly competition. It involves dividing players into two teams, creating piles of paper “snowballs,” and setting up cover using cardboard. The game’s objective is for each team to eliminate the opposing team by hitting them with snowballs while staying behind a designated line. If one team runs out of snowballs, they can switch colors or hide until the other team is empty, ensuring that the game remains active and engaging. This icebreaker is an excellent way to foster camaraderie among colleagues or friends, making it an ideal activity for corporate events, parties, or any social gathering.

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Rules for Paper Snowball Fight

  1. Divide players into two teams.
  2. Create a large pile of “snowballs” using paper, glue, and two different colored markers for team identification.
  3. Set up cover for players using natural cover or cardboard.
  4. Split players up on the field and give both sides an equal allotment of snowballs.
  5. Teams must stay behind a designated starting point or line.
  6. The objective is to eliminate players from the opposing team by hitting them with snowballs.
  7. If one team runs out of snowballs, they switch colors and re-enter the game when the other team is empty or after a set amount of time has passed.
  8. (Optional) Set up a capture the flag scenario using paper and cardboard for the flag and base locations. The first team to successfully bring the flag to their base wins.
  9. To win, focus on taking your time, finding cover, paying attention to your surroundings, and waiting for an opening. If playing capture the flag, consider choosing a nimble team member to retrieve the flag.
  10. Communicate and coordinate with your teammates throughout the game.

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Materials needed for Paper Snowball Fight

  • Paper: You will need sheets of paper to roll into snowballs.
  • Paint or markers: Use these to differentiate teams by marking the snowballs with two different colors.
  • Glue: Apply a little bit of glue in each paper ball to ensure they hold together well as snowballs.
  • Cardboard: You can use cardboard for multiple purposes: creating cover, marking starting points or lines, and making a mock flag for the capture the flag variation.

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Setting up for Paper Snowball Fight

To set up for the Paper Snowball Fight icebreaker activity, you need to divide the player group into two teams. Then, create a large pile of “snowballs” using sheets of paper and glue. Roll the paper into balls and add a little bit of glue in each one to ensure they hold together well. Use two different colors to mark the team’s snowballs.

Next, select a large area to set up in and use cardboard to create fake snow banks for players to hide behind while planning their next move, if natural cover is not available. If you’re playing capture the flag, make a mock flag using paper and cardboard, and place it in the center of the field. You can also put paper X’s where the flag goes to make the game run more smoothly. Finally, split the players up on the field and give both sides an equal allotment of snowballs, ensuring they stay behind a designated point or line at the start of the fight.

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How to play Paper Snowball Fight

  1. Divide the Players into Two Teams: I start by dividing the players into two teams. This ensures that everyone has a group to play with and helps build teamwork and camaraderie.
  2. Create Snowballs: Next, I gather sheets of paper and roll them into balls. Then, I add a little bit of glue to each one to make sure the snowball holds together well. This step is crucial for ensuring that the snowballs can be thrown without falling apart.
  3. Mark the Team’s Snowballs: To differentiate between teams, I use two different colors to mark the team’s snowballs. This helps players keep track of their own snowballs and makes it easier to identify who threw what during the game.
  4. Set Up Cover: If there is no natural cover available, I use cardboard to set up fake snow banks for players to hide behind. This step adds a strategic element to the game, as players must choose their cover wisely in order to avoid getting hit by snowballs.
  5. Split Players and Allocate Snowballs: At the start of the game, I split the players up on the field and give both sides an equal allotment of snowballs. This ensures that both teams have a fair chance of winning.
  6. Set Boundaries: I mark a point or line with a piece of cardboard to indicate where each team must stay behind at the start of the fight. This helps prevent players from getting too close to each other and reduces the risk of injury.
  7. Play the Game: Once everything is set up, I let the teams start throwing snowballs at each other. The goal is to get all of the players on the opposing team out by hitting them with snowballs. If a team runs out of snowballs, they switch colors and either wait for the other team to finish or go into hiding until time runs out.
  8. Optional: Set Up a Capture the Flag Scenario: For a variation of the game, I set up a capture the flag scenario by placing a mock flag in the center of the field. The first team to successfully get the flag into the back of their base wins. This adds an extra element of strategy and competition to the game.
  9. Win the Game: To win, I take my time and wait for an opening before throwing snowballs. If playing capture the flag, I choose a nimble teammate to retrieve the flag and bring it back to our base. Throughout the game, I stay vocal with my teammates and make sure we are all on the same page. This helps ensure that we work together effectively and have the best chance of winning.

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Benefits of Paper Snowball Fight

  • Encourages Teamwork: By dividing players into two teams and having them work together to hit opponents with snowballs or capture the flag, this icebreaker promotes collaboration and cooperation among participants.
  • Promotes Problem-Solving Skills: Deciding when to attack, where to take cover, and how to outsmart the opposing team requires critical thinking and strategic planning, helping players develop problem-solving skills.
  • Enhances Communication: Players must communicate effectively with their teammates to coordinate attacks, defend their base, and strategize, fostering better communication skills.
  • Builds Confidence: By participating in a group activity where everyone has an equal chance of success, individuals can build confidence in their abilities to contribute to a team effort.
  • Provides Stress Relief: Engaging in a fun, lighthearted activity like paper snowball fights can help reduce stress and anxiety by allowing participants to let loose and enjoy themselves.
  • Encourages Creativity: Designing snowballs with paint or markers and creating fake snow banks from cardboard allows players to tap into their creativity and think outside the box.
  • Improves Physical Activity: Running, throwing, and hiding during a paper snowball fight increases heart rate and provides an opportunity for physical exercise.
  • Boosts Social Interaction: Playing in a group setting encourages social interaction, helping participants build relationships and connect with others.
  • Enhances Focus and Concentration: Paying attention to surroundings, waiting patiently for openings, and quickly reacting to opponents’ movements can improve focus and concentration.
  • Encourages Adaptability: The ability to switch strategies or roles on the fly when running out of snowballs or changing game objectives promotes adaptability and resilience in players.

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Skills built with Paper Snowball Fight

  • Teamwork: By dividing players into teams and having them work together to hit opponents with snowballs or capture the flag, Paper Snowball Fight helps build teamwork skills. Players must communicate and coordinate with each other to develop strategies and achieve their goals.
  • Problem-Solving: Creating a large pile of “snowballs” from paper and glue requires some problem-solving skills. Additionally, deciding on the best tactics to hit opponents or capture the flag can be challenging, requiring players to think critically and make decisions quickly.
  • Patience and Focus: Waiting for an opening to make a move and paying attention to one’s surroundings are essential skills in Paper Snowball Fight. This helps build patience and focus, as players must remain alert and attentive throughout the game.
  • Physical Coordination: While not overly physically demanding, Paper Snowball Fight does require some physical coordination, such as throwing snowballs accurately and moving quickly to avoid being hit.
  • Leadership: Encouraging vocal communication and ensuring that teammates are on the same page during and before the game can help build leadership skills. Players must take charge and make decisions that benefit their team, helping them develop confidence and assertiveness.

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Why I like Paper Snowball Fight

I like the Paper Snowball Fight icebreaker because it is a fun and engaging activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, regardless of the time of year. The game requires simple materials, such as paper, paint, markers, glue, and cardboard, which are easy to obtain and inexpensive. This makes it an accessible and inclusive icebreaker that can be organized spontaneously and on a budget.

What I appreciate most about this icebreaker is its versatility and adaptability to different group sizes and settings. The game can be played with large groups, but also adjusted for medium-sized groups, making it suitable for various occasions and events. Moreover, the game offers different variations, such as the capture-the-flag scenario, which adds excitement and diversity to the gameplay.

I also value the creativity and craftsmanship involved in setting up the game. Rolling paper into snowballs and decorating them with team colors not only fosters a sense of belonging and identity among the players but also stimulates their imagination and manual skills. Using cardboard to create fake snow banks or paper X’s as markers further enhances the game’s visual appeal and practicality.

Lastly, I enjoy the strategic and tactical aspects of the game. The need to find cover, aim accurately, conserve ammunition, and communicate with teammates promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. These skills are not only essential for winning the game but also transferable to real-life situations and contexts.

In conclusion, I like the Paper Snowball Fight icebreaker because it is a well-designed, engaging, and versatile activity that fosters creativity, teamwork, and strategic thinking while providing fun and entertainment for all participants.

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Tips for making Paper Snowball Fight more inclusive

  • Tip: Use accessible materials and colors Make sure to use paper that is easy to crumple and roll into snowballs, as well as paint or markers that are easy to see and distinguish between teams. Consider the needs of all players, such as those with visual impairments or fine motor skill difficulties.
  • Tip: Provide clear instructions Take the time to explain the rules and objectives of the game clearly and concisely, making sure everyone understands their role and the goals of their team. Encourage questions and provide additional support for those who need it.
  • Tip: Adapt the game to fit all abilities Consider modifications that can be made to the game to accommodate players with different abilities, such as providing alternative ways to throw or catch snowballs, or adjusting the distance between teams based on mobility needs.
  • Tip: Encourage teamwork and communication Emphasize the importance of working together as a team and communicating effectively to achieve success in the game. Encourage players to support each other and build relationships throughout the activity.
  • Tip: Celebrate diversity and individuality Encourage players to express themselves and showcase their unique skills and abilities during the game, whether it’s through creative snowball designs or strategic teamwork. Emphasize that everyone has something valuable to contribute, regardless of their background or abilities.

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Reflection questions for Paper Snowball Fight

  1. What strategies did you use during the game to avoid getting hit by snowballs? This question can help participants reflect on their problem-solving skills and ability to adapt to new situations. It can also encourage them to think about different ways they can use cover and movement to their advantage.
  2. How did communication and teamwork affect your performance in the game? By asking this question, facilitators can help participants understand the importance of effective communication and collaboration in achieving a common goal. It can also prompt them to consider how they can improve their teamwork skills in future activities.
  3. What did you learn about yourself and your abilities during the Paper Snowball Fight game? This question can encourage participants to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their ability to handle unexpected challenges. It can also help them identify areas where they can improve and grow.
  4. How can you apply the skills and strategies you used in this game to real-life situations? By asking this question, facilitators can help participants see the relevance of the game to their daily lives. It can also encourage them to think creatively about how they can use their problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills in different contexts.
  5. What was your favorite part of the Paper Snowball Fight game, and why? This question can help participants reflect on what they enjoyed most about the activity and why. It can also provide facilitators with valuable feedback on what worked well and what could be improved for future icebreakers.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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