A great activity for everyone

Identity Theft

Get Ready for a Chaotic Game of Memory and Reaction: Identity Theft!

Identity Theft
By Jon Zajac

What is Identity Theft?

Identity Theft is a fun and engaging icebreaker game that involves quick thinking, memory recall, and reaction skills. The objective of the game is to tag the person whose name has been called out, while also remembering the original names associated with each chair as they become increasingly mixed up throughout the game. This group game is suitable for small to medium-sized groups of teens and adults, and can provide endless hours of entertainment both indoors and for up to 10-20 minutes at a time. The only preparation required is arranging chairs in a circle and selecting a soft item for the volunteer to hold. I would definitely recommend Identity Theft as a fun and interactive way to get to know a group and build teamwork skills.

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Rules for Identity Theft

  1. Arrange chairs in a circle and have one volunteer stand in the middle holding a soft item.
  2. The volunteer (also known as “It”) tries to tag any seated player by tapping the item on their knee.
  3. Before being tapped, the seated player must call out the name of someone else in the group.
  4. If “It” successfully tags the person called out, they switch places and the new volunteer finds another seated player to tag.
  5. The game continues with every player calling out another name when tagged, remembering the original names associated with chair positions and not the current occupants.

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Materials needed for Identity Theft

Here are the materials needed to play the Identity Theft icebreaker:

  • Chairs: You will need one chair for each player in the game.
  • Small, soft item: This can be anything from a book to a pillow or even a soft toy. The volunteer in the middle of the circle will hold onto this item when the game begins.

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Setting up for Identity Theft

To set up for the Identity Theft icebreaker game, follow these steps:

  1. Arrange chairs in a circle, making sure there is one chair for each player.
  2. Choose a volunteer to stand in the middle of the circle. This volunteer will be known as “It.”
  3. Seat the other players in the arranged chairs.
  4. Make sure the volunteer has a small, soft item to hold, such as a book or a pillow.
  5. Ensure that the playing area is indoors and spacious enough for the players to move around safely.

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How to play Identity Theft

  1. Set up the game area: Arrange chairs in a circle and choose a volunteer to stand in the middle. The volunteer should hold onto a soft item, like a book or a small pillow.
  2. Begin the game: The volunteer attempts to tag any seated player by tapping the item on that player’s knee. Before they are tapped, the seated player must call out the name of someone else in the group.
  3. Volunteer tags new player: If the volunteer successfully tags a player who called out another player’s name, they switch places with the tagged player and assume the identity of the original player who was seated there. The new volunteer then finds another seated player to tag.
  4. Remember names associated with chairs: Continue calling out other players’ names as you tap their knees to try and avoid being tagged by the volunteer. Pay attention to the original names associated with the position of each chair, not just the current occupants.
  5. Continue playing: The game continues with new volunteers taking turns in the middle, trying to tag seated players who must call out other players’ names. The game becomes increasingly confusing as more identities are switched and players must remember the original names associated with each chair.

Playing Identity Theft helps improve memory and reaction skills while providing a fun, engaging icebreaker activity for small to medium groups of teens and adults.

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Benefits of Identity Theft

  • Improves Memory: Playing Identity Theft can help improve your memory as you’ll need to remember the original names associated with each chair’s position, rather than the person currently sitting in it.
  • Encourages Quick Thinking: This game requires players to think quickly and make split-second decisions about who to tag and what name to call out next.
  • Fosters Active Participation: With its fast-paced nature, Identity Theft encourages everyone to actively participate and engage with the group.
  • Enhances Social Skills: By calling out other players’ names and switching places, Identity Theft promotes interaction among participants and helps build connections.
  • Provides Lighthearted Fun: This game offers a fun and engaging way to spend time together, creating positive memories and strengthening group dynamics.

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Skills built with Identity Theft

  • Reaction speed: Playing Identity Theft requires quick thinking and reflexes as you have to react quickly when the volunteer tries to tag you. This helps improve your reaction time and ability to make decisions under pressure.
  • Memory recall: As the game progresses, remembering the original names associated with each chair becomes more challenging. This tests and strengthens your memory recall skills, allowing you to keep track of changing identities in a fast-paced environment.
  • Social awareness: To be successful in Identity Theft, players must pay close attention to their group members’ actions and words. This heightened social awareness can help you better understand the dynamics of a group and improve your ability to read social cues in various situations.
  • Focus and concentration: The game demands constant focus as you need to remember the original names of the chairs, listen for your name being called, and pay attention to who is being tagged. This helps build focus and concentration skills that can be beneficial in other aspects of life such as work or academics.
  • Adaptability: As players switch seats and identities, you’ll need to adapt quickly to the changing environment. This flexibility can help you navigate real-life situations where plans may change unexpectedly or when working with new teams.

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Why I like Identity Theft

As someone who enjoys bringing people together through fun and engaging activities, I find the Identity Theft icebreaker to be a fantastic choice for various group settings. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Encourages Memory Skills: I appreciate that Identity Theft requires players to remember each other’s names in a fast-paced environment, making it an excellent exercise for building memory recall and enhancing interpersonal connections.
  2. Suitable for Small to Medium Groups: This icebreaker is perfect for intimate gatherings or team-building events where the group size ranges from 5 to 10 people. The game fosters a sense of camaraderie by engaging everyone in active participation.
  3. Accessible and Adaptable: With minimal preparation required, Identity Theft can be easily set up using chairs and a small, soft item. Additionally, it’s adaptable for various age groups, making it suitable for both teens and adults.
  4. Builds Reaction Time: As the volunteer in the middle of the circle tries to tag a player who didn’t call out another name, participants must react quickly while staying focused on remembering chair positions and original names.
  5. Creates Hours of Fun: Identity Theft provides endless entertainment with its ever-changing dynamics. As players switch places and assume new identities, the game remains engaging and unpredictable for up to 10-20 minutes or more.

Overall, I find Identity Theft to be an excellent icebreaker choice that offers both fun and mental stimulation in a social setting.

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Tips for making Identity Theft more inclusive

  • Tip: Use Simple Language and Clear Instructions Make sure to use simple language and clear instructions when explaining the game to make it easier for everyone to understand and participate.

  • Tip: Provide Visual Aids Consider using visual aids, such as diagrams or videos, to help illustrate how the game is played and to ensure that all players fully grasp the rules.

  • Tip: Offer Modifications or Adaptations Be open to making modifications or adaptations to the game to accommodate players with different abilities or needs, ensuring everyone can participate and have fun.

  • Tip: Encourage Teamwork Promote teamwork and cooperation among players by assigning roles or responsibilities that require collaboration, helping to create an inclusive environment for all participants.

  • Tip: Emphasize the Importance of Memory Skills Highlight the importance of memory skills in the game, emphasizing that remembering names is a valuable skill that can be developed and improved over time, fostering a positive attitude towards learning and development.

  • Tip: Celebrate Individual Strengths Recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and contributions of each player, promoting an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

  • Tip: Encourage Participation from All Players Make sure to encourage all players to actively participate in the game, ensuring that no one is left out or overlooked, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for all participants.

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Reflection questions for Identity Theft

  1. What strategies did you use to remember the names and identities of your group members? This question can help participants reflect on how they used their memory and reaction skills during the game, and what strategies they found effective for keeping track of the changing identities.
  2. How did it feel to be the volunteer in the middle, and how did you decide who to tag? This question can help participants empathize with the experience of being the volunteer and making quick decisions under pressure.
  3. Did you notice any patterns or trends in how people called out names or got tagged? This question can encourage participants to analyze the group dynamics and patterns that emerged during the game, which can be a useful skill for team-building and collaboration.
  4. How did you feel when you were tagged and had to switch identities with someone else? This question can help participants reflect on their reactions to change and uncertainty, and how they adapted to new situations.
  5. What was challenging or confusing about the game, and how did you overcome those challenges? This question can help participants identify areas for improvement and growth, as well as strategies they can use in future games or group activities.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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