A great activity for everyone


By Jon Zajac

As someone who is passionate about globalization and its impact on society, I believe that incorporating Globalization-themed “This or That” icebreaker questions into your upcoming event can be a great way to spark curiosity, encourage dialogue, and build connections among your guests. By asking questions related to different aspects of globalization, such as culture, economy, politics, and technology, you can create an engaging and interactive experience that fosters a deeper understanding of the world around us.

How to incorporate Globalization themed This or That questions

To incorporate Globalization-themed “This or That” questions into your event, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a list of questions beforehand that are related to different aspects of globalization, such as culture, economy, politics, and technology. You can find inspiration from reading news articles, watching documentaries, or engaging in online discussions about the topic.

  2. Print out the questions on cards or display them on a screen or a poster board. Encourage your guests to form small groups of 3-5 people and take turns asking each other the questions. You can also create a rotation system where each group moves on to the next question after a set amount of time (e.g., 2-3 minutes).

  3. Make sure everyone has a chance to answer each question and listen actively to their responses. Encourage follow-up questions, comments, and discussions that build on the initial answers. You can also share your own insights and opinions about globalization to keep the conversation flowing.

  4. After everyone has had a chance to answer all the questions, gather your guests in a larger group and ask them to share their favorite or most surprising answers. You can also use this opportunity to highlight any commonalities or connections that emerged during the activity.

  5. Consider using some of the insights or stories that came up during the “This or That” icebreaker as a springboard for further conversations and activities throughout the day. For example, you could organize a panel discussion or Q&A session with experts on globalization, or create a social media campaign that invites your guests to share their thoughts and perspectives on the topic.

Ideas on different themes of questions

To keep your Globalization-themed icebreaker questions fresh and engaging, you can explore different themes and categories that are relevant to the topic. Here are some ideas:

  • Culture: Ask questions related to the impact of globalization on cultural diversity, identity, and exchange (e.g., “Which aspect of globalization do you think has had the biggest impact on culture?” or “What is your favorite example of cultural fusion?”).

  • Economy: Ask questions about the role of globalization in economic development, trade, and investment (e.g., “Do you believe that globalization has been beneficial or harmful to the economy?” or “Which country do you think will be the next economic powerhouse?”).

  • Politics: Ask questions related to the influence of globalization on international relations, diplomacy, and security (e.g., “How has globalization affected the balance of power among nations?” or “What do you think is the biggest threat to global peace and stability?”).

  • Technology: Ask questions about the impact of globalization on innovation, communication, and automation (e.g., “Which technological advancement do you think has had the most significant impact on globalization?” or “Do you believe that technology has brought people closer together or driven them apart?”).

By incorporating these different themes of questions into your Globalization-themed icebreaker activity, you can create a dynamic and interactive experience that fosters learning, engagement, and connection among your guests. So why not give it a try and see how it can enhance your next event!

My favorite Globalization themed This or That questions

  1. Is globalization good or bad?
  2. Is the Westernization of culture a positive aspect of globalization?
  3. Should countries protect their domestic industries or embrace globalization?
  4. Is outsourcing jobs to foreign countries beneficial or harmful to the economy?
  5. Should multinational corporations be held accountable for their actions in developing countries?
  6. Is globalization a threat to traditional cultures and ways of life?
  7. Is global trade fair or does it favor developed countries?
  8. Should immigration be restricted or encouraged in the age of globalization?
  9. Should countries prioritize their own economic interests or work towards global economic growth?
  10. Is the spread of multinational fast food chains a positive or negative aspect of globalization?
  11. Should developing countries receive debt relief in order to promote economic growth?
  12. Is globalization responsible for the rise of income inequality?
  13. Should companies be allowed to move their headquarters to tax havens to avoid paying taxes?
  14. Is the growth of e-commerce beneficial or harmful to traditional brick and mortar businesses?
  15. Should intellectual property rights be protected globally?
  16. Is the spread of American pop culture a positive or negative aspect of globalization?
  17. Should countries open their borders to international trade?
  18. Is globalization a threat to national sovereignty?
  19. Should developed countries provide aid to developing countries to promote global economic growth?
  20. Is the rise of global tourism a positive or negative aspect of globalization?
  21. Should multilateral trade agreements be implemented to promote free and fair trade?
  22. Should countries adopt a common global currency?
  23. Should the influence of international organizations like the IMF and World Bank be expanded or reduced?
  24. Is global climate change a result of globalization?
  25. Should countries prioritize environmental protection or economic growth in the age of globalization?
  26. Is the growth of global communication technology a positive or negative aspect of globalization?
  27. Should countries prioritize domestic job protection or global economic growth?
  28. Is globalization a threat to labor rights and working conditions?
  29. Should cultural diversity be preserved in the age of globalization?
  30. Is globalization inherently unequal?
  31. Should countries embrace cultural blending or maintain cultural boundaries in the age of globalization?
  32. Is the growth of global tourism ethical?
  33. Should countries prioritize domestic food production or embrace global food trade?
  34. Is the growth of global shipping and logistics beneficial or harmful to the environment?
  35. Should multinational corporations be required to pay a living wage in all countries they operate in?
  36. Should countries work towards a global minimum wage?
  37. Is globalization the cause of the rise of populist movements around the world?
  38. Is globalization responsible for the decline of traditional industries in developed countries?
  39. Should global consumerism be discouraged?
  40. Is the growth of global manufacturing beneficial or harmful to developed and developing countries?
  41. Should countries work towards a global regulatory framework for labor rights and working conditions?
  42. Is globalization a threat to cultural heritage sites around the world?
  43. Should countries prioritize military spending or global development aid?
  44. Is globalization responsible for the rise of international terrorism?
  45. Should global outsourcing be limited to certain industries or eliminated altogether?
  46. Should developing countries prioritize education and healthcare over economic growth?
  47. Is globalization a threat to public health and food safety?
  48. Should countries prioritize renewable energy development in the age of globalization?
  49. Is the growth of global supply chains ethical?

About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.