A great activity for everyone

The Ultimate Ninja

Unleash your inner ninja in this thrilling game of attack and dodge!

The Ultimate Ninja
By Jon Zajac

What is The Ultimate Ninja?

The Ultimate Ninja Game is a fun and engaging icebreaker that allows players to step into the shoes of a ninja and compete against each other in a test of speed, agility, and strategy. The purpose of this game is to be the last person standing in a circle by swiftly attacking and dodging your opponents’ moves. Players take turns attempting to hit their opponents’ hands in one quick motion, while the targeted players must dodge the attack to avoid elimination. The game continues until only one player remains, who will then be crowned the Ultimate Ninja. This icebreaker is suitable for small and medium groups of 4 to 10 players aged 8 and up, making it a versatile and enjoyable activity for various settings and age ranges.

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Rules for The Ultimate Ninja

  1. The game is called “Ultimate Ninja.”
  2. The group size can be small or medium, ideally 4-10 players.
  3. The game is suitable for ages 8 and up, with adult supervision recommended for younger children.
  4. This is an active game involving two moves: The Attack and The Dodge.
  5. The Attack move allows a player to attempt to hit the next player’s hands in a swift motion. A successful hit eliminates that player.
  6. If the attack misses, the attacking player must hold their position until it’s their turn again.
  7. The Dodge move enables players to avoid getting hit on their hands by an opponent during The Attack.
  8. Players stand in a circle for the game, which progresses clockwise with each turn.
  9. If a player chooses not to attack, they can make a single defensive move and maintain that position until the next turn.
  10. The game continues until only one player remains, who is then crowned “The Ultimate Ninja.”
  11. Soft mats may be prepared for safety reasons but are not required for playing the game.

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Materials needed for The Ultimate Ninja

Here are the materials needed to play The Ultimate Ninja game:

  • Space: You will need a large open space, either indoors or outdoors, where players can move around easily without bumping into things.
  • Players: Gather 4 to 10 players who are ready to have fun and unleash their inner ninja.
  • Soft mats (optional): While not required, having soft mats on hand can provide a safer playing environment, especially if you’re concerned about younger children potentially falling or getting hurt.

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Setting up for The Ultimate Ninja

To set up for the Ultimate Ninja icebreaker activity, you will need to find a suitable location where players can move around comfortably. This can be either indoors or outdoors, as long as there is enough space for a circle of players.

Once you have found a location, gather your group of players and have them stand in a circle facing each other. Make sure that the circle is large enough so that players have enough space to move around without bumping into each other.

Before starting the game, briefly explain the rules to your players, focusing on the two main moves: The Attack and The Dodge. Remind them that all moves must be done in one swift motion, and they must hold their position until it’s someone else’s turn.

Finally, make sure that everyone is aware of their surroundings and any potential hazards, such as objects or other people who may be in the way. Once you have completed these steps, your Ultimate Ninja icebreaker activity is ready to begin!

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How to play The Ultimate Ninja

  1. Stand in a circle: Have all players stand in a circle to begin the game. The game will proceed in a clockwise direction, with each player taking turns to attack another player.
  2. Decide who goes first: Determine who will go first by deciding randomly or choosing someone yourself. This player will start the game by attempting to hit the next player’s hands in a swift motion.
  3. Understand the attack move: If it’s your turn, you can attempt to hit the next player’s hands in one swift motion. Only hits on the hands count as eliminations. If you miss, you must hold your position until it’s someone else’s turn.
  4. Engage in the dodge move: To avoid getting hit on your hands by an opponent, you can engage in the dodge move by avoiding their hit in one swift motion. You must then hold your position until someone else takes their move.
  5. Defend yourself: If it’s not your turn to attack and you don’t want to be attacked, you can take a single move to place yourself in a defensive position. Again, all moves are only in one motion, and you must hold the position until it’s someone else’s turn.
  6. Continue playing: Continue engaging in the attack and dodge moves until all players have been eliminated. The last player left standing who did not get hit will be crowned the ultimate ninja.
  7. Optional: Prepare for safety: While not required, you may optionally prepare soft mats to break a player’s fall if they do happen to trip or fall during the game. This is especially important when playing with younger children.

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Benefits of The Ultimate Ninja

  • Improves Physical Activity: I had a fun time engaging in physical activity with my friends while playing the Ultimate Ninja Game. This game encouraged us to move around, dodge, and attack, which helped increase our heart rate and burn some calories.
  • Enhances Focus and Concentration: When playing the Ultimate Ninja Game, I had to stay focused on my turn, plan my moves, and avoid getting hit by my opponents. This game helped me enhance my focus and concentration, making it an excellent way to improve mental agility.
  • Promotes Social Interaction: Playing the Ultimate Ninja Game with my friends allowed us to bond, interact, and have a good time together. This game is an excellent icebreaker that can help promote social interaction among people who may not know each other well.
  • Encourages Teamwork: Although the Ultimate Ninja Game is an individual game, playing it in larger groups encourages teamwork. Players can work together to strategize and plan their moves, making it an excellent way to improve communication and collaboration skills.
  • Builds Confidence: Playing the Ultimate Ninja Game helped me build confidence by giving me the opportunity to engage in physical activity and mental agility exercises. This game allowed me to showcase my skills and abilities, which made me feel more confident in myself.
  • Provides Stress Relief: The Ultimate Ninja Game is an excellent way to relieve stress and have a good time with friends. This game allowed us to forget about our daily worries and focus on having fun, making it an excellent stress-reliever.
  • Promotes Creativity: When playing the Ultimate Ninja Game, I had to think creatively to plan my moves and avoid getting hit by my opponents. This game helped me enhance my creativity skills, which can be beneficial in other areas of life.
  • Encourages Healthy Competition: The Ultimate Ninja Game encourages healthy competition among players, making it an excellent way to improve sportsmanship and learn how to handle both wins and losses graciously. This game is an excellent way to promote a competitive spirit while maintaining a fun and friendly atmosphere.

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Skills built with The Ultimate Ninja

  • Active Listening: Playing the Ultimate Ninja game requires attentive listening to understand when it’s your turn to attack or dodge, helping players develop this important skill.
  • Spatial Awareness: The game enhances spatial awareness as players need to be mindful of their position in relation to others and move swiftly to avoid being hit.
  • Quick Reflexes: Reacting quickly to an opponent’s attack or readying yourself for a dodge helps improve your reflexes and responsiveness.
  • Coordination: Coordinating movements to perform the attack or dodge actions in one swift motion contributes to better overall body coordination.
  • Social Skills: Engaging in group play fosters social interaction, teaching players how to take turns and respect others’ space while having fun together.

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Why I like The Ultimate Ninja

As someone who enjoys active and engaging activities, I find the Ultimate Ninja icebreaker to be a fun and exciting game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The simplicity of the rules and the flexibility in terms of group size and location make it an accessible and convenient choice for various settings.

One aspect I appreciate about this game is its emphasis on quick thinking and strategic movement, which keeps players engaged and alert throughout the game. Additionally, the fact that both attacking and dodging require swift motions helps to keep the game fast-paced and dynamic, adding to the overall excitement.

Another reason why I like the Ultimate Ninja icebreaker is its inclusivity, as it can be played by anyone aged 8 and up, making it a great option for groups with diverse age ranges. The lack of preparation required also means that the game can be easily set up and played without any hassle or fuss, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all involved.

Overall, the Ultimate Ninja icebreaker is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a fun and engaging group activity that combines physical movement, strategy, and quick thinking. Its simplicity, flexibility, and inclusivity make it a standout option for various settings and age ranges.

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Tips for making The Ultimate Ninja more inclusive

  • Tip: Modify the attacking motion Consider allowing players to choose their own form of attack that suits their abilities, such as signing “ninja” with one hand or using a toy sword instead of physically tagging opponents. This can make the game more accessible for people with mobility limitations or those who may feel uncomfortable with physical contact.
  • Tip: Use verbal cues Encourage players to use verbal cues in addition to physical movements, such as calling out “ninja dodge” instead of just dodging. This can help accommodate players with hearing impairments and make the game more inclusive overall.
  • Tip: Create a designated safe space Establish a clear boundary or designated safe space where players can retreat if they feel overwhelmed or need a break. Make sure all players understand and respect this space, and use it as an opportunity to check in with anyone who may need support or accommodation.
  • Tip: Offer alternative ways to participate Consider offering alternative ways for individuals to participate who may not be able to physically engage in the game, such as keeping score, timing rounds, or providing musical accompaniment. This can help ensure that everyone feels included and valued, regardless of their physical abilities.
  • Tip: Use gender-neutral language Be mindful of the language used during the game, avoiding gendered terms like “guys” or “girls.” Instead, use gender-neutral language like “players” or “ninjas” to create a more inclusive environment for all participants.

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Reflection questions for The Ultimate Ninja

  1. How did you feel during the Ultimate Ninja game? Understanding how participants felt during the activity can give insight into their comfort level and engagement.
  2. Did you have a strategy when attacking or dodging? What was it? This question can help facilitators understand the players’ problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.
  3. What did you find most challenging about the game? Identifying challenges faced during the activity can lead to discovering areas where participants may need further support or practice.
  4. Did you enjoy playing in a group? Why or why not? This question can help assess group dynamics and individual comfort levels when working with others, which is essential for future team-building activities.
  5. If you were to modify the game, what changes would you make? Encouraging participants to think critically about improving the game can provide insights into their creativity and ability to innovate.
  6. What did you learn from playing this game that could be useful in other situations or contexts? This question can help participants recognize transferable skills gained during the activity, such as problem-solving, communication, or teamwork.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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