A great activity for everyone

Relay Pictionary

Unleash your creativity and teamwork in this high-energy drawing relay game!

Relay Pictionary
By Jon Zajac

What is Relay Pictionary?

Relay Pictionary is a fun and interactive icebreaker game that combines elements of guessing and relay racing. The purpose of this activity is to encourage teamwork, communication, and getting to know each other in a medium to large group setting. It involves dividing the group into two teams, assigning each player a word to draw on paper, and having teammates guess the drawn word. Players take turns drawing and guessing until all words have been guessed or a time limit expires. The team with the most correctly guessed words wins. This game is suitable for school-aged children and adults, requiring only paper, pen, and a table for play. It’s an excellent way to foster connections and create a lively atmosphere at any gathering.

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Rules for Relay Pictionary

  1. The group is divided into two teams by the game master, with each team having their own table, marker, and sheets of paper.
  2. The game master prepares a list of words for the teams to guess.
  3. Each player in the team is assigned a word from the list by the game master.
  4. Players take turns drawing their assigned word on the paper, with no writing of words or numbers allowed.
  5. Teammates attempt to guess the drawn word. Once guessed correctly, the next player can take their turn.
  6. Words can be guessed in any order.
  7. A time limit is set for all words on the list to be guessed.
  8. The team with the most correctly guessed words at the end of the time limit wins the game.
  9. For larger groups, an alternative version involves one player from each team drawing a word given by the game master, with the next players in line guessing and redrawing the word on their own sheet of paper until the last player runs to the game master to say the guessed word. The team that correctly guesses the word first wins the round.

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Materials needed for Relay Pictionary

  • Sheets of blank paper: These will be used by the teams to draw their assigned words during the game.
  • Pen: A pen is needed for each team to use when drawing on their sheets of paper.
  • Table: Each team will need a table where they can gather around and draw their assigned words.

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Setting up for Relay Pictionary

To set up for the Relay Pictionary icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Find a suitable indoor location with enough space to accommodate at least six players divided into two teams. Each team will need their own table, so make sure there is enough room for this as well.
  2. Determine the group size and ensure that it is medium to large, with at least six players. This game can be played by school-aged children (8 years old and up) as well as adults.
  3. Decide on the number of rounds you want to play and create a list of words for each round. Make sure to include a mix of easy and difficult words to draw, depending on the age and skill level of your players.
  4. Divide the players into two teams of equal size. Warn them about the rules of Pictionary, emphasizing that no words or numbers can be written on the paper.
  5. Make sure each team has a marker and sheets of paper ready for the game.
  6. Explain the rules and objectives of the game to all players, so they understand how to play and what they need to do to win.

Remember, the key to setting up a successful Relay Pictionary icebreaker activity is ensuring that you have enough space, materials, and preparation for two teams to compete against each other in drawing and guessing words within a set time limit.

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How to play Relay Pictionary

  1. Divide the group into two teams: I will divide the class or group into two equal teams. Each team will have their own table, a marker, and sheets of paper.
  2. Warn each team to abide by the rules of Pictionary: I will warn each team that no words or numbers are to be written on the paper during the game.
  3. Prepare a list of words for guessing: I will prepare a list of words for both teams to guess. The words can range from easy to difficult ones, like “flower” and “dinosaur.”
  4. Assign each player a word from the list: I will ask all members of the team to fall in line, then call each player from the two teams one by one and assign a word from the list.
  5. Have each player draw their assigned word on paper: Once all members of the team have a word assigned to them, they will take turns drawing the word on the paper. The words can be guessed in any order.
  6. Set a time limit for guessing all the words on the list: I will set a time limit for both teams to guess all the words on the list.
  7. Count and announce the number of correctly guessed words by each team: At the end of the game, I will count and announce the number of correctly guessed words by each team. The team who got most number of correctly guessed words wins the game.

Variation for larger groups: For larger groups, an alternative version is to have both teams fall in line. The first player in line from each team will be given a word to draw. The next person in line will guess the word and draw it on their own sheet of paper. This process continues until the last player takes a guess and runs to me to say the word. The team who guesses the word correctly wins the game.

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Benefits of Relay Pictionary

  • Improves Communication Skills: Playing Relay Pictionary helps to enhance communication skills as players need to convey the meaning of the word they are drawing through visual representation, allowing teammates to guess it correctly.
  • Encourages Teamwork: The game promotes collaboration and team building, as members work together to guess as many words as possible within a set time limit.
  • Breaks Ice Between Participants: Engaging in this activity can help break the ice between participants, making them more comfortable with each other as they interact in a fun and engaging way.
  • Enhances Creativity and Imagination: Drawing different words and objects encourages players to think creatively and imaginatively, helping to develop their problem-solving skills.
  • Provides an Active Learning Experience: Relay Pictionary is an active game that requires participants to move around, allowing for a more dynamic learning experience compared to passive activities.
  • Suitable for All Ages: The simplicity of the game makes it accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages, making it an ideal icebreaker for various settings such as schools, workplaces, or social events.
  • Minimal Preparation Required: With only a few basic materials required (paper, pen, and a list of words), Relay Pictionary can be easily organized and set up with minimal effort, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for everyone involved.

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Skills built with Relay Pictionary

  • Communication skills: Players need to effectively convey the word they are drawing through their drawings, while their teammates must interpret those drawings correctly to guess the word.
  • Creativity: Drawing a word in a way that makes it easily understandable requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Teamwork: Relay Pictionary encourages collaboration and cooperation among team members as they work together to guess as many words as possible within the time limit.
  • Active listening: Players must pay close attention to their teammates’ explanations and guesses in order to make informed decisions about what to draw next.
  • Patience and focus: Drawing and guessing require a certain level of concentration, and players must be patient and focused throughout the game to increase their chances of winning.
  • Physical movement: The variation of the game where players run to the game master to say their word requires physical activity, which can help improve overall fitness and mobility.

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Why I like Relay Pictionary

I appreciate the Relay Pictionary icebreaker because it successfully combines entertainment with team-building elements. Here are some reasons why I like this game:

  1. Engaging: The game keeps everyone actively engaged and involved throughout its duration, as players take turns drawing and guessing words. This continuous participation ensures that no one feels left out or bored.
  2. Encourages creativity: Relay Pictionary allows participants to showcase their artistic skills while trying to draw easily recognizable images for their teammates to guess. It’s a fun way to tap into people’s creativity and sense of humor.
  3. Develops communication: As players try to convey the drawn word to their teammates, it promotes clear and effective communication. This can help build stronger connections among group members.
  4. Suitable for various ages: With an age range of 8+ years old, this game caters to a wide audience. It can be enjoyed by school-aged children, teenagers, and adults alike, making it adaptable for different settings and gatherings.
  5. Minimal preparation: The required materials for Relay Pictionary are simple and easy to obtain, and there’s no need for extensive setup or preparation. This simplicity makes the game accessible and convenient for impromptu icebreaker activities.
  6. Adaptable: With its variations, Relay Pictionary can be easily customized based on group size and setting. The game master can adjust the rules to accommodate larger groups, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to participate and enjoy themselves.
  7. Time-efficient: Depending on the number of words in the list, a game of Relay Pictionary can last between 10 to 20 minutes. This makes it ideal for quick icebreaker activities or as a filler during events with multiple sessions.

In summary, I like the Relay Pictionary icebreaker because it is an engaging, creative, and adaptable game that promotes communication and encourages participation from people of various ages. The minimal preparation required and time-efficient nature make it an excellent choice for a wide range of settings and gatherings.

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Tips for making Relay Pictionary more inclusive

  • Tip: Use simple and familiar words for the list. This ensures that all players can participate and guess the words easily, regardless of their language proficiency or age.
  • Tip: Encourage teams to describe the drawing instead of just naming it. This encourages players who may not be as skilled in drawing to still contribute to their team’s success.
  • Tip: Allow players to draw using their non-dominant hand. This levels the playing field for those who may be less confident in their drawing abilities and promotes inclusivity.
  • Tip: Consider providing visual aids or props to help with guessing. For example, you can use real objects related to the words on the list or show pictures of similar objects as hints. This helps players with different learning styles to participate and enjoy the game.
  • Tip: Assign words based on players’ interests and backgrounds. For instance, if a player is an expert in a certain field, you can give them a word related to that topic to draw. This not only makes the game more inclusive but also helps players get to know each other better.

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Reflection questions for Relay Pictionary

  1. What did you enjoy most about playing Relay Pictionary? This question can help facilitators understand what aspects of the game were most engaging for participants, and how they might incorporate those elements into future activities.
  2. Did you find it easy or challenging to communicate with your teammates during the game? Why? This question can help participants reflect on their own communication skills, as well as identify areas where their team could improve in future activities.
  3. How did you feel when your team correctly guessed a word you drew? This question can help participants reflect on the importance of collaboration and celebrating small successes with their teammates.
  4. Did you discover any new talents or skills among your teammates while playing Relay Pictionary? This question can help participants recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and abilities of their team members, and consider how those talents might be used in future activities.
  5. How did the game make you feel about working with people you may not know well? This question can help participants reflect on the value of building relationships and trust with new people, and how they might apply that mindset to future team-building activities.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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