A great activity for everyone


Unleash Your Inner Actor in This Hilarious Impromptu Speech Game!

By Jon Zajac

What is Powerpoint?

The Powerpoint Game is a fun and engaging icebreaker that tests participants’ improvisation and public speaking skills. The purpose of this activity is to deliver a spontaneous speech based on a randomly selected Powerpoint presentation, while incorporating humorous phrases provided by the opposing team. This game is suitable for ages 16 and above, and works well with teams of two to four people. It requires laptops or computers to access the Powerpoint presentations, as well as a whiteboard or large piece of paper to write down the required phrases.

The Powerpoint Game involves forming two teams and having each team search for a complicated or humorous Powerpoint presentation online. Each team then comes up with five funny phrases that the other team must include in their presentation. The opposing team is tasked with delivering a speech based on the presented slides, while incorporating the required phrases in creative ways. This game can be judged for fun, but it’s more about having a good time and showcasing one’s improvisational skills.

Powerpoint presentations that cover complex topics or unusual subjects often make for the most entertaining speeches. The fun of this game lies in finding an engaging Powerpoint presentation and turning it into an impromptu performance. Overall, the Powerpoint Game is a great icebreaker to get participants laughing, thinking on their feet, and working together.

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Rules for Powerpoint

  1. Form two teams, with each team consisting of ideally two to four people.
  2. Instruct each team to search for a PowerPoint presentation file on the web.
  3. Have each team come up with five funny phrases that the other team must include during their speech.
  4. Show Team 1’s PowerPoint slides and have Team 2 deliver a presentation using those slides, incorporating the required phrases.
  5. Teams can be judged on their performance, but winning or losing is not the main focus of the game.

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Materials needed for Powerpoint

  • Laptops or computers You will need these to show the PowerPoint presentations during the game.
  • Google This search engine will help teams find a good PowerPoint presentation file on the web.
  • Dry erase whiteboard or big sheet of paper These materials are used to write down the five funny phrases that each team comes up with for the other team to include in their speech.
  • Optional: projector This can be used to display the PowerPoint slides if a larger screen is needed.
  • Optional: judges If you wish to determine a winner for the game, you can incorporate judges to evaluate the presentations based on improvisation and performance skills.

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Setting up for Powerpoint

To set up for the Powerpoint icebreaker activity, you will need to gather a group of people and divide them into two teams, ideally consisting of 2-4 members each. Next, provide each team with laptops or computers and instruct them to search for a complex or humorous Powerpoint presentation on the internet. Additionally, have each team come up with 5 funny phrases that the other team must include in their presentation. Write these phrases on a dry erase whiteboard or a large piece of paper for reference during the game. Finally, ensure that there is a way to display the Powerpoint slides for all participants to see, such as through a projector or shared screen.

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How to play Powerpoint

  1. Form teams: I begin by dividing the group into two teams, with ideally two to four people per team. This ensures that each team has enough members to make the game interesting and engaging.
  2. Search for a PowerPoint presentation: I then instruct each team to go to Google and search for a good PowerPoint presentation file on the web. I encourage them to find a complicated, awkward, or silly PowerPoint presentation, as this will make for a more hilarious impromptu presentation.
  3. Come up with funny phrases: Each team also needs to come up with five funny phrases that the other team must include during their speech. I write these on a dry erase whiteboard (or a big sheet of paper) so that everyone can see them and be reminded to incorporate them into their presentation.
  4. Present the PowerPoint slides: Once both teams have found their PowerPoint presentations and come up with funny phrases, I show Team 1’s PowerPoint slides in front of everyone and have the other team (Team 2) deliver a presentation using those slides. They must say the required phrases anytime during their speech and can deliver the speech as a team, working together in creative ways.
  5. Incorporate judges (optional): While this game is more about improvisation and performance, I sometimes incorporate judges to determine the winner if the group prefers some structure and competition. However, winning or losing isn’t necessarily an important part of this game, as it’s more focused on having fun and improving one’s improvisational skills.

Overall, the PowerPoint icebreaker is a hilarious and engaging game that requires teams to deliver impromptu presentations based on complicated, awkward, or silly PowerPoint slides. It’s an excellent way to improve one’s improvisational skills, build confidence, and have fun with colleagues or friends.

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Benefits of Powerpoint

  • Improves public speaking skills: The Powerpoint Game provides players with the opportunity to practice their public speaking skills in a fun and low-stakes environment. By delivering a speech on a complex topic without preparation, players can improve their ability to think on their feet and communicate effectively under pressure.

  • Encourages creativity and quick thinking: The game requires players to come up with funny phrases on the spot and incorporate them into their speech. This encourages creativity and quick thinking, as players must find ways to seamlessly weave these phrases into their presentation.

  • Promotes teamwork and collaboration: The Powerpoint Game is a team activity, which promotes collaboration and teamwork. Players must work together to deliver a cohesive and entertaining speech, building trust and strengthening relationships with their teammates.

  • Develops research skills: The game requires players to search for a good Powerpoint presentation on the web. This encourages players to practice their research skills, as they must find a complex or silly topic that will make for a hilarious impromptu presentation.

  • Increases confidence and self-esteem: By delivering a speech in front of others, players can gain confidence and increase their self-esteem. The game’s low-stakes environment allows players to take risks and try new things without fear of failure, promoting personal growth and development.

  • Enhances listening skills: The Powerpoint Game requires players to listen carefully to the opposing team’s speech, as they must identify when to use their required phrases. This enhances listening skills, which are essential for effective communication and collaboration.

  • Provides entertainment and laughter: Above all, the Powerpoint Game is a fun and entertaining activity that provides laughter and enjoyment. Whether played at a party, team-building event, or family gathering, this game is sure to bring people together and create lasting memories.

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Skills built with Powerpoint

  • Public Speaking Skills: Playing the Powerpoint game can significantly improve public speaking skills, as players are required to deliver a speech on a complex topic with little to no preparation. This can help build confidence and fluency when speaking in front of others.
  • Improvisation Skills: The game’s core mechanic involves improvising a speech based on a random Powerpoint presentation. This helps players think on their feet and come up with creative solutions under pressure, which are valuable skills in many areas of life.
  • Teamwork Skills: Players work together in teams to find suitable Powerpoint presentations and create funny phrases for the other team to include in their speeches. Collaborating and communicating effectively with others can help build strong relationships and improve overall performance.
  • Active Listening Skills: Paying close attention to the required phrases and incorporating them into the speech requires active listening and comprehension skills. This can help players become better listeners and more engaged in conversations.
  • Technical Skills: Using laptops, computers, or projectors to display Powerpoint presentations can improve technical skills and familiarity with digital tools. These skills are becoming increasingly important in today’s technology-driven world.

Overall, playing the Powerpoint icebreaker game can build a range of valuable skills that can be applied to many areas of life and work. By practicing public speaking, improvisation, teamwork, active listening, and technical skills, players can become more confident, engaged, and effective communicators.

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Why I like Powerpoint

I enjoy the PowerPoint icebreaker game because it is an excellent way to improve one’s improvisation and public speaking skills. The game requires players to think on their feet and deliver a speech on a complex topic without any preparation, which can be both challenging and fun. Moreover, the added element of including five funny phrases during the presentation adds a layer of humor and creativity to the game.

As someone who values continuous learning and personal growth, I appreciate the PowerPoint icebreaker’s ability to foster critical thinking and quick decision-making skills. The game’s setup also promotes teamwork, as players work together to find a suitable PowerPoint presentation and come up with funny phrases for their opponents.

Additionally, the PowerPoint icebreaker is highly customizable, allowing players to modify the rules based on their preferences. For instance, adding judges to determine the winner can add a competitive aspect to the game, or keeping it more relaxed and focusing on improvisation and performance can be equally enjoyable.

Overall, I find the PowerPoint icebreaker to be an entertaining and engaging way to improve one’s public speaking skills while having fun with friends or colleagues. Its versatility, customization options, and emphasis on creativity make it a game that I highly recommend for parties, team-building events, or any social gathering.

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Tips for making Powerpoint more inclusive

  • Tip: Choose a relatable PowerPoint presentation topic. To make the game more inclusive, select a PowerPoint presentation on a topic that is relevant and interesting to all participants. This can help ensure that everyone feels engaged and able to contribute to the game.
  • Tip: Provide options for the PowerPoint presentation. Instead of having teams search for their own PowerPoint presentations, provide a selection of pre-selected presentations for them to choose from. This way, you can ensure that the topics are diverse and inclusive.
  • Tip: Modify the game rules as needed. Consider modifying the game rules to accommodate different skill levels or abilities. For example, allow more preparation time or provide visual aids to help those who may struggle with improvisation.
  • Tip: Encourage participation from all team members. Make sure that everyone on each team has an opportunity to speak and contribute to the presentation. This can help ensure that everyone feels included and valued.
  • Tip: Celebrate effort, not just results. Focus on recognizing the creativity, humor, and effort put into each presentation rather than solely focusing on who “wins” or “loses” the game. This can help create a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all participants.

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Reflection questions for Powerpoint

  1. What was the most challenging part of delivering the impromptu speech? This question can help participants reflect on their public speaking skills and identify areas for improvement.
  2. How did you come up with creative ways to incorporate the required phrases into your speech? This question encourages participants to think about their problem-solving and creativity skills.
  3. What strategies did you use to stay focused and engaged while delivering the speech? This question can help participants develop better listening and concentration skills, which are important for effective communication.
  4. How did the PowerPoint slides influence your approach to delivering the speech? This question can help participants think about how visual aids can impact their communication style and public speaking abilities.
  5. What did you learn from watching the other team deliver their impromptu speech? This question encourages participants to reflect on their observations and learn from their peers’ experiences.
  6. How can you apply what you learned from this game to real-world situations, such as giving presentations at school or work? This question helps participants think about the practical applications of the skills they developed during the game.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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