A great activity for everyone

Paper Airplane Challenge

Transform paper into a fun icebreaker: Create, toss, and discover fascinating facts about your group members!

Paper Airplane Challenge
By Jon Zajac

What is Paper Airplane Challenge?

The Paper Airplane Challenge is a fun and interactive icebreaker game that I use to help larger groups of people get to know each other in a more meaningful way. The purpose of this activity is to encourage group members to learn about one another by finding the owner of the paper airplane they pick up and asking them two questions. This game requires minimal setup, with only a few materials needed such as paper and writing utensils. To play, each participant writes their name and two questions on a piece of paper, shapes it into a paper airplane, and then throws it into the air along with everyone else’s planes. Once the planes have mixed together, participants pick up a random plane, find its owner, and ask them the two questions. Finally, each person introduces the owner of their plane to the group by reading their name and sharing their answers. The Paper Airplane Challenge is a great way to create a friendly and relaxed environment where people can connect with one another, making it an ideal icebreaker for classrooms or groups of 12 years old and up.

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Rules for Paper Airplane Challenge

  1. Ensure every participant has one sheet of paper and a writing utensil.
  2. Have participants write their names and two questions on the paper, avoiding overly personal or uncomfortable topics.
  3. Instruct participants to fold their papers into a paper airplane of their choice.
  4. Start a timer and have everyone throw their airplanes around simultaneously. While the timer is running, encourage participants to pick up and throw airplanes to mix them together.
  5. Stop the timer, and have participants pick up a paper airplane that isn’t their own.
  6. Instruct participants to find the original owner of the plane and ask them the two questions on their plane.
  7. Have each participant introduce the person they found to the group by reading their name and sharing the questions and answers given.

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Materials needed for Paper Airplane Challenge

  • Sheets of paper: At least one sheet per person for writing their name and two questions.
  • Writing utensils: One pen, pencil, or other writing utensil per person to write on the paper.
  • Timer (optional): To keep track of time during the airplane throwing stage of the game.

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Setting up for Paper Airplane Challenge

To set up for the Paper Airplane Challenge icebreaker activity, you can prepare by placing the supplies around the room where group members will be sitting or handing them out as members arrive. It’s important to ensure that there is at least one sheet of paper and a writing utensil available for each participant. You can also specify any guidelines for writing down names and questions on the paper, such as avoiding overly personal or uncomfortable topics. Additionally, you may want to consider how to best arrange the space to facilitate movement and mixing of the paper airplanes during the game. However, specific materials like paper and pens are not included in this description of setup.

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How to play Paper Airplane Challenge

  1. Gather necessary materials: I need to make sure I have enough sheets of paper and writing utensils for everyone playing the game. I will place the supplies on the seats, desks, or tables where group members will be sitting, or hand them out as they arrive.
  2. Direct participants to write their names and questions: I ask each participant to write their name and two questions on a sheet of paper. I remind them not to make the questions too personal or uncomfortable.
  3. Instruct participants to form their paper into airplanes: After everyone has written down their name and questions, I ask them to fold their papers into a paper airplane of their choice.
  4. Start a timer and have everyone throw their airplanes: I start a timer and have everyone throw their airplanes around at the same time. While the timer is going, I encourage everyone to pick up airplanes and throw them again to move them around the room and mix all the papers together.
  5. Stop the timer and have participants pick up an airplane: I stop the timer and ask everyone to pick up one paper airplane that is not their own.
  6. Have participants find the owner of the plane and ask them the questions: Each group member should then find the original owner of the plane and ask them the two questions on their plane.
  7. Have each person introduce the person they found: Now that everyone has found the owner of their paper airplane and have asked them the questions, I ask each person to come up individually and introduce the person to the group by reading their name on the plane and telling the group the questions and answers given by that person.

Remember, as an icebreaker activity, there is no winning or losing in this game. The objective is to have group members become more familiar with each other, rather than to foster a competitive environment. This game will help people get to know each other better in a fun way!

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Benefits of Paper Airplane Challenge

  • Encourages communication: By having participants ask each other questions from the paper airplanes, they are able to engage in meaningful conversations with one another. This can help build connections and foster a sense of community within the group.
  • Helps break down barriers: The Paper Airplane Challenge icebreaker is a great way to help individuals feel more comfortable around each other, especially in a large group setting. By sharing information about themselves through their questions, participants are able to find common ground and make connections with others.
  • Promotes creativity: Participants are encouraged to create their own unique paper airplanes, which allows them to tap into their creative side. This can help increase engagement and make the activity more enjoyable.
  • Provides an opportunity for active participation: By having participants write down questions and actively seeking out the owner of their paper airplane, they are able to fully participate in the icebreaker. This can help keep individuals engaged and focused on the task at hand.
  • Can be easily adapted to different settings: The Paper Airplane Challenge icebreaker can be easily adapted to different group sizes and ages. It also doesn’t require any special equipment or materials, making it a convenient option for teachers, facilitators, and event planners.

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Skills built with Paper Airplane Challenge

  • Communication skills: Players must effectively communicate with one another to find the owner of their paper airplane and ask them the questions they wrote down. This helps build confidence in speaking and listening to others.
  • Collaboration skills: By working together to move the paper airplanes around the room, players learn to collaborate and help each other out. This fosters a sense of teamwork and belonging within the group.
  • Critical thinking skills: Players must think critically about how to form their paper into an airplane that will fly well, as well as how to find the owner of their airplane once the game begins.
  • Creativity: The activity allows for creativity in designing and throwing the paper airplanes. This can help players tap into their creative thinking skills and have fun with the activity.
  • Empathy and understanding: By asking and answering questions, players learn more about each other and develop empathy and understanding for their group members. This helps build a positive and supportive group dynamic.

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Why I like Paper Airplane Challenge

I appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of the Paper Airplane Challenge icebreaker game. It is easy to set up and can be played with large groups, making it a versatile option for various settings such as classrooms, team-building events, or parties. The game encourages participants to interact with each other, ask questions, and learn more about their peers in a fun and engaging way.

The use of paper airplanes adds a playful element to the icebreaker, making it more enjoyable and less intimidating for those who may feel uncomfortable in social situations. The activity also allows participants to think creatively when crafting their airplanes, which can help stimulate their minds and foster a sense of camaraderie among the group.

Furthermore, I value that the Paper Airplane Challenge is not competitive, as it promotes a friendly and supportive environment where everyone can feel comfortable sharing information about themselves. This aspect of the game makes it an excellent choice for groups looking to build relationships and establish trust with each other.

Overall, the Paper Airplane Challenge icebreaker game is an enjoyable and effective way to help group members become more familiar with one another in a fun and interactive manner.

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Tips for making Paper Airplane Challenge more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide a variety of paper options - To make the activity more inclusive for people with different abilities, consider providing different types of paper such as thicker paper for those who may have difficulty folding thin paper.
  • Tip: Use large print for questions - Make sure everyone can easily read the questions by providing large print on the paper. This will help those with visual impairments participate more comfortably.
  • Tip: Offer different writing utensils - Provide a range of writing utensils, such as pens, pencils, and markers, to accommodate different hand strengths and preferences.
  • Tip: Encourage open-ended questions - Instead of specifying the type of questions to be asked, encourage participants to come up with their own open-ended questions to foster deeper conversations.
  • Tip: Provide question prompts - If participants struggle to come up with questions, provide a list of inclusive and accessible question prompts that can help guide the conversation.
  • Tip: Create a quiet space - Designate a quiet area where participants can go if they need a break from the noise or stimulation of the main activity space.
  • Tip: Emphasize respect and consent - Remind participants to be respectful and ask for consent before approaching someone to ask questions. This will help create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

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Reflection questions for Paper Airplane Challenge

  1. What was your experience making a paper airplane and throwing it around the room? This question can help participants reflect on the physical aspect of the game and how it contributed to the overall experience.
  2. Did you learn something new about a group member through this activity? If so, what was it? This question encourages participants to think about the specific information they gained from the game and how it enhances their understanding of their peers.
  3. How comfortable were you approaching someone to ask them the questions on their paper airplane? This question can help facilitators gauge the level of comfort and confidence among group members in engaging with each other, providing valuable insights for future icebreaker activities.
  4. What was your favorite question that you saw on a paper airplane? Why? This question allows participants to reflect on the content of the game and highlights any particularly interesting or memorable questions that were asked.
  5. How do you feel this activity helped in creating a more familiar environment within the group? This question encourages participants to think about the broader impact of the icebreaker and how it contributes to building relationships and community within the group.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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