A great activity for everyone

Follow the Leader

Unleash Chaos and Laughter as You Imitate Wacky Movements in This Energetic Game

Follow the Leader
By Jon Zajac

What is Follow the Leader?

The Follow the Leader icebreaker is a fun and engaging game that involves imitating the actions of a designated leader. The purpose of this activity is to provide a lighthearted and interactive way for participants to get to know each other, while also encouraging observation and critical thinking skills as players try to identify the leader.

At its core, Follow the Leader is a guessing game in which one person (the leader) performs a series of actions, while the rest of the group mimics their movements. The twist is that the leader can do anything they want, from clapping and singing to jumping or making dance moves, making it challenging for the other players to figure out who the leader is.

To make things even more difficult, players are encouraged to avoid prolonged eye contact with the leader, adding an extra layer of complexity to the game. The person in the center of the circle (the guesser) must carefully observe each player’s movements and try to deduce who the leader is based on subtle clues and patterns.

Overall, Follow the Leader is a great icebreaker for groups of all ages and sizes. It requires no special equipment or preparation, making it a versatile and convenient option for gatherings, parties, or team-building events. Whether you’re looking to energize a group or simply want to have some fun, Follow the Leader is sure to deliver laughs and memories for everyone involved.

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Rules for Follow the Leader

  1. Find a large open space, either indoors or outdoors.
  2. Ask everyone to stand and arrange the group into a circle, facing inwards.
  3. Ask one person to leave the room for a minute (this person will be the guesser for the round).
  4. While the guesser is gone, the group decides who should be the “leader.”
  5. The leader sets the movements for that round.
  6. Invite the guesser back into the circle, who stands in the very center.
  7. When the round begins, everyone starts swinging their arms up and down.
  8. The leader will eventually begin to do other movements, and everyone else mimics the leader’s actions.
  9. Everyone in the circle should avoid prolonged eye contact with the leader.
  10. The guesser must keep turning his or her head to try to figure out which person is the leader.
  11. The guesser is allowed to make up to three guesses.
  12. If the guess is correct, the leader becomes the new guesser for the next round.
  13. If all three guesses are exhausted and the leader is not correctly guessed, the round ends and you can either keep the same guesser or switch it up.

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Materials needed for Follow the Leader

  • Open space, either indoors or outdoors: You will need a large enough area for all players to stand in a circle, with enough room for the guesser to move around in the center. This space should be free from obstructions and have enough lighting for the guesser to see everyone’s movements clearly.

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Setting up for Follow the Leader

To set up for the Follow the Leader icebreaker activity, you will need to find a large open space, either indoors or outdoors, that can accommodate the group. The space should be big enough for everyone to stand in a circle facing inwards, with enough room for the guesser to stand in the center.

Once you have found a suitable location, ask all participants to gather in the designated area. Explain the rules of the game and select one person to be the guesser who will leave the room for a minute. While the guesser is gone, the group should decide who will be the leader for that round. The leader will be the one who sets the movements for the group to follow.

Make sure everyone in the circle understands the importance of avoiding prolonged eye contact with the leader, so as not to give away their identity. Once the guesser returns, they will stand in the center of the circle and try to identify the leader based on the movements of the group members.

That’s it! With a little bit of space and clear instructions, you can set up for a fun and engaging game of Follow the Leader that is sure to energize and break the ice among participants.

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How to play Follow the Leader

  1. Decide who will be the guesser: Begin by asking one person to leave the room for a minute. This person will be the guesser for the round.
  2. Choose the leader: While the guesser is gone, have the group decide who should be the “leader.” The leader will set the movements for that round.
  3. Invite the guesser back: Once the leader is chosen, invite the guesser to come back into the room. The guesser stands in the very center of the circle.
  4. Start the game: When the round begins, everyone starts swinging their arms up and down. The leader will eventually begin to do other movements, and everyone else mimics the leader’s actions without being too obvious to reveal who the leader is.
  5. Avoid prolonged eye contact: Encourage everyone in the circle to avoid prolonged eye contact with the leader, so their identity is not given away.
  6. Guess the leader: The guesser must keep turning his or her head to try to figure out which person is the leader (the person who started all the group’s movements). The guesser is allowed to make up to three guesses.
  7. End the round: If the guess is correct, the leader becomes the new guesser for the next round. If all three guesses are exhausted and the leader is not correctly guessed, the round ends and you can either keep the same guesser or switch it up.

This action game tends to be hilarious, as people try to copy the leader’s silly movements. It’s a great icebreaker for groups of 8-16 people, with no materials needed, making it a convenient choice for both indoor and outdoor settings.

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Benefits of Follow the Leader

  • Builds social connections: Playing Follow the Leader allows individuals to interact with each other in a fun and engaging way, which can help build stronger relationships and increase team cohesion.
  • Improves focus and concentration: As the guesser, I had to carefully observe everyone’s movements and make logical deductions to figure out who the leader was, which helped improve my focus and concentration skills.
  • Boosts creativity: The leader has the freedom to perform any action they want, which can lead to some really creative and entertaining movements that can inspire others to think outside the box.
  • Encourages active listening: Players must listen carefully to the instructions given at the beginning of each round and pay attention to everyone’s movements in order to successfully identify the leader.
  • Promotes physical activity: Follow the Leader is a great way to get people moving and burning some energy, which can help improve overall health and well-being.

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Skills built with Follow the Leader

  • Observation skills: Playing Follow the Leader requires close attention to the actions and movements of others, which can help improve observation skills. As the person in the center, I need to carefully watch everyone in the circle and try to identify who is leading the group’s movements.
  • Critical thinking skills: The game also involves some problem-solving and deduction, as I try to figure out who the leader is based on their actions and the reactions of the other players. This can help sharpen critical thinking skills and improve the ability to make logical connections.
  • Focus and concentration: In order to successfully identify the leader, I need to stay focused and avoid getting distracted by my own movements or the actions of others. This can help build focus and concentration skills, which are important in many areas of life.
  • Nonverbal communication skills: Follow the Leader also involves paying attention to nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions. By observing these cues, I can gather clues about who the leader might be and improve my ability to read and interpret nonverbal communication.
  • Self-confidence: Finally, playing Follow the Leader can help build self-confidence, especially for the person in the center. As I make guesses about who the leader is, I learn to trust my instincts and speak up with confidence, even if I’m not sure I’m right. This can be a valuable skill in many different situations.

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Why I like Follow the Leader

I like the Follow the Leader icebreaker because it is a simple yet engaging game that can be played by people of all ages. It requires no special materials or preparation, making it a convenient option for impromptu gatherings or as an energizer during events. The game encourages active participation and creativity, as players must mimic the leader’s movements while trying to avoid drawing attention to themselves. This can lead to some hilarious moments and help create a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

As a guesser, I find it challenging yet exciting to try and identify the leader by observing their actions and the subtle cues given off by other players. The game allows for strategic thinking as well, as players must balance being true to their own movements with blending in with the group. Overall, Follow the Leader is an entertaining icebreaker that can bring people together through shared laughter and camaraderie.

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Tips for making Follow the Leader more inclusive

  • Encourage a variety of movements: As the leader, I make sure to incorporate different types of movements that cater to people with varying physical abilities. This can include simple gestures like waving or nodding, as well as more complex actions like dancing or jumping jacks. By doing this, everyone in the circle can comfortably participate and enjoy the game.
  • Use verbal cues: I make sure to use verbal cues when leading the group, such as singing a line from a song or reciting a famous quote. This not only adds another layer of challenge for the guesser but also ensures that those who might have difficulty mimicking physical movements can still actively participate in the game.
  • Emphasize process over product: I remind participants to focus on having fun and working together as a group rather than trying to win or outperform others. This creates a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported, regardless of their skills or abilities.
  • Create opportunities for discussion: After playing Follow the Leader, I facilitate a brief conversation about the experience. I ask questions like “How did you feel when you were guessing the leader’s identity?” or “What strategies did you use to blend in with the group?” This encourages empathy and understanding among participants and highlights the importance of inclusivity in games and activities.
  • Be mindful of cultural differences: I make an effort to avoid using movements, phrases, or songs that may be unfamiliar or offensive to certain individuals or groups. By being aware of cultural sensitivities, I can create a more welcoming atmosphere for everyone involved in the game.

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Reflection questions for Follow the Leader

  1. What was your experience being the guesser in the center of the circle? This question can help participants reflect on the challenge of trying to identify the leader, and how it felt to be in that position of uncertainty.
  2. How did you choose which movements to make as the leader? Did you try to make them obvious or subtle? This question can prompt discussion about strategy and creativity in the game, and encourage participants to think about how they would approach the role of leader differently next time.
  3. What was it like for you to mimic the leader’s movements while trying not to give away their identity? This question can help participants reflect on the experience of being part of the group, and how they had to balance following instructions with maintaining their own individuality.
  4. Did you notice any patterns or similarities in the way different people moved as the leader? This question can lead to a discussion about group dynamics and social cues, and help participants become more observant of each other’s behaviors.
  5. How might this game be adapted for different settings or age groups? This question can encourage creativity and problem-solving, and allow participants to think critically about how to modify the game to suit their own needs and contexts.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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