A great activity for everyone

Candy Introductions

Unwrap Fun Facts: A Candy-Fueled Icebreaker Game

Candy Introductions
By Jon Zajac

What is Candy Introductions?

The Candy Introductions icebreaker is a fun and engaging activity that helps people learn more about each other in a simple and accessible way. The game involves selecting different pieces of candy, with each type or color representing a fact about yourself. For example, red candy might represent your favorite hobbies, while green candy could symbolize your favorite place on earth. This icebreaker is versatile and can be played with any group size, making it a great choice for classrooms, meeting rooms, and other indoor settings. The purpose of the activity is to encourage participants to share interesting and meaningful information about themselves, helping to build connections and foster a sense of community. Overall, Candy Introductions is an enjoyable and effective way to break the ice and get to know new people.

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Rules for Candy Introductions

  1. Purchase candy with around five different variations.
  2. Pass around the candy and have each participant take 1-5 pieces.
  3. Instruct participants not to eat the candy yet.
  4. Assign a fact to each candy type/color (e.g. red for favorite hobbies).
  5. Each person takes turns introducing themselves by stating their name and one fact for each candy type they have.
  6. Use a whiteboard or chalkboard to display the assigned facts if available.
  7. Participants should not take too many pieces of candy.
  8. If there are more than 12 participants, divide the group into smaller sizes.

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Materials needed for Candy Introductions

  • Candy with five different variations: You will need enough candy for each person to have at least five pieces. The candy should ideally come in five different colors or types. Alternatively, you can use gummy bears, life savers, gum drops, skittles, M&Ms, or any other candy that already has a variety of colors.
  • Chalkboard or whiteboard (optional): This will be used to display the categories for each candy color. If you don’t have the exact colors mentioned in the instructions, you can change the categories to match the candy types that you have.

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Setting up for Candy Introductions

To set up for the Candy Introductions icebreaker activity, you need to prepare by doing the following steps:

  1. Decide on the candy type: Choose a candy with about five different variations in color or type. You can use any candy that is easy to find and comes in various colors, such as gummy bears, life savers, gum drops, Skittles, M&M’s, or any other similar candy.
  2. Purchase the candy: Buy enough candy for each participant to have at least five pieces. You can purchase several variety packs of candy or buy individual bags of different colors or types.
  3. Divide the candy: Separate the candy into individual piles, so it’s easy to distribute during the activity.
  4. Prepare the introduction prompts: If a whiteboard or chalkboard is present, write down the following prompts: Red - Favorite hobbies, Green - Favorite place on earth, Blue - Favorite memory, Yellow - Dream job, Orange - Wildcard (tell us anything about yourself!). If you don’t have those colors, adjust the prompts to match the candy types you have.
  5. Set up the space: Arrange the chairs or seats in a circle or horseshoe shape, so all participants can see each other during the activity. Place the candy and introduction prompts in an accessible location for easy distribution.

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How to play Candy Introductions

  1. Purchase candy with multiple variations: I bought several variety packs of candy, enough for each person to have at least five pieces. The candy can be any type, but it is best to limit the varieties to around five or six different options. Alternatively, you can use gummy bears, life savers, gum drops, skittles, m&m’s, or any other candy that already has a variety of colors.
  2. Distribute the candy: I passed around the candy and told each participant to choose anywhere from 1 to 5 pieces of anything they want. Instructed them not to eat it yet.
  3. Explain the meaning of each candy type/color: After they have chosen their candy, I wrote on the board the following: * Red – Favorite hobbies * Green – Favorite place on earth * Blue – Favorite memory * Yellow -Dream job * Orange – Wildcard (tell us anything about yourself!)

If you don’t have the above colors, change the above to match the candy types that you have.

  1. Introduce themselves: Each person takes turns introducing himself or herself, beginning with their name and then saying one fact for each candy type that they have. This easy introduction game should go relatively quickly (assuming they weren’t greedy and that they didn’t take too many pieces of candy!)

Note: If there is no chalkboard or whiteboard available, you can simply verbally explain the meaning of each candy color to the participants before starting the activity.

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Benefits of Candy Introductions

  • Encourages active listening: As each participant shares their facts based on the candy colors, others are required to listen attentively, promoting engagement and focus in the group.
  • Promotes self-disclosure: By associating candies with personal information, individuals gradually reveal interesting aspects of themselves, building trust within the team.
  • Creates a positive atmosphere: The unique and fun nature of Candy Introductions brings excitement to the room, creating an enjoyable experience for all participants as they learn about each other.
  • Enhances communication skills: Practicing concise and clear self-introductions helps individuals develop strong communication abilities that are crucial in both personal and professional settings.
  • Fosters group cohesion: Sharing personal information through icebreaker games like Candy Introductions enables participants to find commonalities, strengthening team relationships and promoting a sense of belonging.

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Skills built with Candy Introductions

  • Interpersonal communication skills: Playing Candy Introductions requires players to engage in meaningful conversations with one another, helping them build connections and develop their ability to communicate effectively.
  • Active listening skills: By encouraging participants to listen attentively to what others have to say and respond appropriately, this icebreaker game helps improve active listening skills, which are crucial for successful communication.
  • Self-expression and confidence: Allowing individuals to share personal facts about themselves in a fun and relaxed setting can help them develop self-confidence and learn how to express themselves more comfortably.
  • Critical thinking skills: Deciding which candies to pick and associating each candy type with a specific fact about oneself promotes critical thinking, as players need to make connections between the two.
  • Empathy and understanding: Encouraging participants to learn about each other’s interests, memories, and aspirations can foster empathy and promote a better understanding of one another.
  • Team building and collaboration: Candy Introductions helps establish a sense of camaraderie within the group, as players work together to learn more about each other in an engaging and enjoyable way.

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Why I like Candy Introductions

I highly recommend the Candy Introductions icebreaker due to its simplicity, inclusivity, and versatility. Here are a few reasons why I appreciate this activity:

  1. Low-pressure engagement: Candy Introductions is an uncomplicated game that doesn’t require any specific skill set or advanced preparation, making it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. By associating facts with candy types or colors, participants can easily remember and share information about themselves.

  2. Customization: The icebreaker can be tailored to fit various group sizes, settings, and time constraints by adjusting the number of candy pieces and corresponding questions. This flexibility ensures that the game remains engaging and relevant for different situations.

  3. Encouraging self-expression: With the wildcard category, participants have the opportunity to share something unique or unexpected about themselves, promoting individuality and fostering genuine connections among group members.

  4. Visual appeal: Using colorful candies adds a fun and visually appealing element to the icebreaker, making it more engaging and memorable for participants.

  5. Suitable for diverse groups: By using simple questions that cover various aspects of a person’s life, Candy Introductions caters to a wide range of interests and experiences, allowing every participant to find common ground with others in the group.

In conclusion, I believe that the Candy Introductions icebreaker is an excellent choice for facilitating social interaction and promoting a positive atmosphere in any gathering. Its adaptability and focus on self-expression make it a valuable tool for educators, meeting organizers, and event planners alike.

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Tips for making Candy Introductions more inclusive

  • Use a diverse selection of candies: Make sure to choose candies that come in a variety of colors and flavors that are appealing to everyone, including those with dietary restrictions. This will ensure that all participants feel included and can fully participate in the activity.
  • Adapt the prompts to your audience: Consider the age, background, and interests of your participants when creating the prompts for each candy color. Make sure they are relevant, respectful, and inclusive of everyone’s experiences and identities.
  • Provide alternatives to speaking: Some participants may feel more comfortable expressing themselves through writing or drawing. Offer alternative ways for them to share their facts, such as by writing them down on a piece of paper or creating a visual representation of their fact using the candies.
  • Create a safe and welcoming environment: Encourage active listening and respectful communication during the activity. Make sure all participants feel heard and valued, and address any insensitive or disrespectful comments promptly and appropriately.
  • Consider accessibility needs: If you have participants with visual or hearing impairments, make sure to provide accommodations such as large print materials or ASL interpreters. Additionally, be mindful of the noise level during the activity to ensure that everyone can hear and participate comfortably.

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Reflection questions for Candy Introductions

  1. What was your overall impression of the Candy Introductions activity? This question can help facilitators gauge participants’ reactions to the icebreaker and determine whether it was an effective way to encourage interaction and sharing among the group.
  2. Which candy color/type did you choose the most, and what does that say about you? This question can prompt participants to reflect on their choices and consider how they might be connected to their interests or personalities.
  3. Did you learn anything new or surprising about any of your fellow participants through this activity? If so, what was it? This question can help facilitate discussion and encourage participants to build connections with one another by sharing their thoughts and observations.
  4. How comfortable were you sharing personal information in front of the group? This question can provide insight into participants’ comfort levels with self-disclosure and vulnerability, which can be useful for facilitators to know when planning future activities or discussions.
  5. Do you think this activity was an effective way to break the ice and help people get to know each other? Why or why not? This question can help participants reflect on the effectiveness of the icebreaker and consider how it might have impacted their own experience and the group as a whole.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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